[WIP] Falskaar - Thread #7 - Launching July 12th!

Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:30 pm




By Alexander J. Velicky

The adventure begins Friday, July 12th.





What is Falskaar?

Falskaar is an island off the Northeast coast of Tamriel. It doesn't exist in lore, but every aspect of it is lore friendly. (It doesnt conflict with lore, or add anything from other games/real life)



*Screenshots are completely unaltered and are taken using no ENBs or graphics mods whatsoever, other than the HD DLC. They appear as is, and accurately portray the mod.
**Content in screenshots may be subject to change.

I'm no longer taking QA testers! Release is almost here, so I'm keeping my QA team where it is to finish this thing out!

Progress (Updated July 5th)

What are you doing now?: A release date has been announced (See below), so I'm just finishing things up. Fixing as many little bugs as possible, and preparing all files and data for launch.

--Falskaar Countdown to Launch--

A release date has been announced! (See below!)

Voice Acting: Will be done by the 12th.

Bug Fixing: Completed. (I'll just keep refining until release)

Outro/Credits: Completed.

Release Date: Friday, July 12th, 2013

Hours of New Gameplay: 25+ Hours? I've lost track, it's a lot.

Overall Completion: Effectively 100%

Main Quests Set Up: 9/9
Main Quests Polished: 9/9

Additional Quests Set Up: 17/17
Additional Quests Polished: 17/17

Lines of Voiced Dialogue: ~10,000
New Books: ~15
New Items: ~15
New Shouts: 1
New Recipes: 5
New Songs: 12

New Spells: 2
Custom Bard Songs: 5
Custom Load Screens: ~45

Landscape Forming: 100%
Landscape Location Detailing: 100%
Landscape Wilderness Detailing: 100%
Full Worldspace Navmeshing: Completed

Falskaar's Lore

For the last 600 years Falskaar has been inhabited by the Nords. Though most of it's history from before then is unknown.

I wrote an insane amount of lore for this land, so here's my best attempt at summarizing it all.

Key Events:


2E 895 Hearthfire 14th – An ancient temple is found in the Southeastern Mountains of Skyrim by an expeditionary group of 137 Nords led by Hjalmar Unnvaldr. They discover a strange portal in the temple and Hjalmar’s chief mage discovers it is some kind of transportation gateway. Eager for adventure and hopeful that they can escape the war that plagues Tamriel, the group enters the portal. The group arrives in a freezing barren waste, and is quickly in trouble.

2E 895 Frostfall 30th – After 46 days in the unknown land 29 Nords had died. In desperation, Olav Borvaldur marches out into the cold in search of something to save his fellow Nords.

2E 895 Sun’s Dusk 3rd- After wandering in the mountains for 4 days, Olav see's something overhead. It was an avatar of Shor, Ahkrinviing. He follows it and it leads him to a great temple, a temple to the gods and all else that is divine. Once inside, the avatar speaks to him. It tells him that the Nords were free to inhabit the land, and that he must rise up and rule his people. It then tears out its heart and imbues the divine force of Shor into it. Olav heads off to bring the heart, which he names The Heart of the Gods, back to his people.

2E 895 Sun’s Dusk 4th – Olav arrives back at the caverns in the plateau. He explains what happened to everyone. Then, following the great spirits instruction, he creates an anchor point for the heart in the caverns. The heart feeds off the natural hot springs in the caverns, and begins to sprout life all around them. Olav is named King, despite the fact that Hjalmar was the parties leader. This strikes a grudge in Hjalmar Unnvaldr that the family holds even to this day.

2E 896 - The land is made warm and habitable by the Heart of the Gods, and the people begin to build. They build a great capitol city on the plateau above the caverns, which they name Borvald, after their savior, Olav Borvaldur.

3E 2 - After several years the heart completes the transformation of the land, and they seal it in a great temple with 5 keys, so that it may be safe. Over the next several hundred years, the heart rests undesturbed, and becomes a legend amongst the people. Eventually nobody knows if it's even real or not, and the location of the temple is lost. Olav Borvaldur, weary of life as a nobleman and king heads west to a small lumbermill. He founds a town there and names it Amber Creek. Hjalmar, however, heads the opposite direction to the east, and founds the city of Staalgarde.

3E 23 – Finally, nine years after the death of Hjalmar Unnvaldr, his son leads an uprising in an attempt to make himself king. The rebellion is easily quelled by the Borvaldurs loyal troops, who outnumber and overpower the Unnvaldrs.

3E 121 – Scholars in Borvald discover that Falskaar is in fact on Nirn, and lies 130 miles North-East of Tamriel. They make connection with Skyrim’s Northern shore and boats begin travelling back and forth, trading and bringing immigrants.

4E 99, Rain’s Hand 17th – A war begins when the Unnvaldrs hire a huge amount of mercenaries from Tamriel to help them fight the Borvaldurs and gain power after they find a large amount of letters written by Hjalmar, detailing their right to the throne. The war ends with the Borvaldurs victorious, and by threat of destroying Staalgarde, the Unnvaldrs sign a treaty, agreeing to forever put to rest their lust for the throne.

4E 201 – The current Jarl of Staalgarde, Yngvarr Unnvaldr, finds a hidden room in the crypts under the city. It contains the Unnvaldr key to the heart's temple, and many of Hjalmar’s scribblings. Now that he knows for a fact that the heart is real, he sees an opportunity to break the treaty and finally gain power. His rage and greed take over, he builds an army and hires large amounts of bandits to fight for him. He also promises his people to share the power with them, having no real intention to do so, but gaining him the unwavering support of his entire city.

4E 201 A few months later - For the first time since the party's arrival in Falskaar almost 600 years ago, the portal activates deep within the ruins of Mzubthand, and the player steps through, arriving in Falskaar. They are denoted as 'The Traveller', based on an old myth that someone would arrive through the portal, marking the beginning of another conflict, the worst the land would ever see.


- 26 quests, including a 9 quest long main story, and 17 side quests! (Along with some unmarked content)
- New items including new books, recipes, weapons and armor sets. (A mix of brand new, and retextures)
- Two new spells and a new shout.
- A bard with several unique new songs.
- A soundtrack containing 14 brand new tracks composed by Adamm Khuevrr just for Falskaar, adding up to more than 40 minutes of new music!

- A fully voiced experience, featuring almost 30 semi-professional and professional voice actors and actresses.

Falskaar will be fully voiced by a team of 29 hand picked voice actors playing 55 roles!

Mauri Majanoja, Mick Mize (Currently performing in Cirque du Soleil!), and Robert S. Benjamin return from Deimos.

The cast also features Casey Mongillo who was in Red Dead Redemption, and Michael Johnston and River Kanoff who have both appeared in Xbox Live Arcade games!

I mean FULLY voice acted. No Vanilla voices are used! While in the land of Falskaar, every single bandit, guard, farmer, or townsperson (etc) you meet will be custom voiced for this project by my cast.


Should I start a new game before playing Falskaar? And what level is recommended?

A new game never hurts, but it is not required to play Falskaar. You can keep using an old save if you want. Just keep in mind that the worse condition your save is in, the less likely it is that things will run smooth. There is no recommended level, as Falskaar scales similarly to Skyrim. You could enter it straight out of Helgen if you want, or play it on a high level. The experience (Difficulty, etc.) will be similar to that of Skyrim.

When is the project going to be finished?
The project is just about done, it will be released on Friday, July 12th, 2013.

Are you adding new weapons, creatures, or foliage?
There are a few new weapons, but no new creatures or foliage.

How big is your team?
It's mainly just me! I do have a small group that does QA testing, and some people have helped by writing one or two books, then of course there's the voice actors. But, I do all the CK work! I've written all the dialogue, quests, every script, implemented everything, designed all the levels and worlds and managed the team! Yes it is a lot to do, but I manage by working 6-10 hours every single day! I sure love doing this.

How big is the land?
Falskaar is about the size of 2-3 holds in Skyrim. Put Whiterun hold, The Rift, and Falkreath Hold together and you get something roughly the size of my land.

Where will the mod be available at?
Falskaar will be a Skyrim Nexus exclusive. It will not be on the Steam Workshop, as it does not support mods this large.

How long have you been working on this?
I started writing the story/lore in October of 2011, shortly after releasing Deimos. I then started putting it all together the instant that the Creation Kit came out on Feb 7th!

Why do you do this!?
I'm here modding so I can get a job at Bethesda Game Studios. I think they are the best game design company in the world and I want to be right there working with all of them! That's why I may come off a bit 'showy'. I'm here to gain support so they can see my work and I can get a job. But of course I wouldn't be doing any of this if I didn't also have an absolute blast doing it!

For more frequent updates and details, please subscribe to my http://www.youtube.com/user/AlexanderJVelicky, and make sure to like my http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alexander-J-Velicky/215460455198174! (That's where I post the most often)

I hope you can all get as excited for this as I am! It's coming along great so far. Special thanks to my QA Testers who's input on what's completed so far has been priceless!

Alexander J. Velicky

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:25 am

Yay, with any luck some others will as well and Falskaar will become even better as people customize it to their liking. Just like the vanilla game. :D

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Kat Stewart
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:56 am

Excited :)

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:11 am

I'm looking forward to it! Got my bow and tunic all ready ;)

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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:08 am

Can't wait to play this, but I think I'm going to save it for a new game.

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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 11:19 am

Won't play it for a long, long time (I haven't even finished Skyrim yet, FAR from!), but it's really great to know that there is even more things to explore. Bethesda should have made one more big DLC (just one new lands DLC, Dragonborn, isn't enough imo), but it's good to know that modders have stepped into that role instead.

When I release SkyReal, perhaps some of my weathers can be incorporated into your worldspace.

Btw, I really like the screenshots. It looks like it could be part of Skyrim, which is great, because seamless integration is important. Most mods I've seen fail with that.

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James Rhead
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:36 pm

When released will you be releasing loose files or bsa or both? Am hoping for bsa as loose files is just too messy lol. One final question will this mod be an esm like official dlc as more memory is reserved for esm's over esp's hopefully reducing skyrim crashing too frequently lol. bsa and esm would be perfect but guess i'll have to wait and see lol. Have been holding off until immersive creatures and this mod are released, life is brightening a little again lol

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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:21 am

The entire mod will be 4 files. A BSA, an ESM, and two video Bink files. That's it. Those who want loose files can unpack the BSA.

Man, I just hope this lives up to all the expectations! My testers get over 10 hours of gameplay but they know EXACTLY what to do (Been doing it over and over, some of them for over a year lol) and they cheat some while testing. Legitimate first time players should get a LOT more gameplay (I'm thinking 20+ for a faster playthrough) I just hope you all enjoy the content! :)

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:52 am

Is Falskaar in the Tamriel world space or in its own world space? I'm really hoping it's part of Tamriel.

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:23 am

It's entirely separate. Adding it to the Tamriel worldspace would have pointlessly complicated so many things. I wouldn't be even remotely done if I had done that.

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Elle H
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:50 am

Ah, okay. Well, good luck with this, anyway.

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:44 am

I'm sure it will more than live up to your previous excellent work, and be a nice bullet for your resume. :smile:

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Princess Johnson
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