Falskaar travel problem

Post » Thu Jun 19, 2014 9:35 am

Doing first time playthrough of Falskaar and have ran into a most weird problem. I got to Falskaar just fine through portal and did a few quests and made my way to the Falskaar docks to travel back to Dawnstar. Problem is when I do travel back I am completely frozen in one spot and can't move at all. Even my control of the screen is disabled but my companion, Lydia, still walks up to me and also the background animation, waves etc. are working fine. I reloaded and rebooted and tried several times and have the same occurrence. I used coc to travel to Dawnstar "dawnstarexterior01" and everything worked perfectly, I could then interact normally with game. I then tried traveling from Dawnstar to Falskaar Docks and had the same problem. Frozen in place, unable to interact with world but everything around me going on "normally." If is use coc to travel between the two locations I have no problems. I searched but haven't been able to find any mention of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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katsomaya Sanchez
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