as in the pre game oblivion for example surtant guilds and quest wold surtantly give you fame or unfame regardless of what your act was.
in other words like for example if you do quest for the fighter guild you always end up with fame and thiefes guild always with unfame
altough some of the thief guild quest would be more of a robin hood actions or acting against a corupted up stand class member
my point here what i like to see if that they make fame system more based on the actions you take rather than for what faction you work
altough i know that good and evil are just perspectife on how you look against things i would like to see of what we called good and evil are action based in skyrim
not faction based or in other option remove the whole fame sytem and let the world shape and react to you based how you played as every1 fame is another and oyu can decide what in your eyes is called being famed or unfamed
sorry for my bad englisch btw i tryed make it as understanble as i can get: P