Fan Idea: DLC that brings back Crysis 1 maps for PC!

Post » Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:24 am

Hello everyone,

I haven't been on gamesas too much, and I haven't been able to join into the Crysis 3 Beta yet, but from videos I can see that maps are still far too small. Sure the verticality makes them seem somewhat larger, but come on now, they aren't much larger than some of the smallest Crysis 1 maps.

I am presenting an idea here that could satisfy fans on an EPIC scale, and still perhaps make Crytek money, which they no doubt wouldn't mind. (Note, I'm not calling Crytek greedy money-grubbers)

I say that they should remake some of the MASSIVE old Crysis 1 maps, like Mesa, Shore and Beach. Those were so massive and so fun and so well's bringing my nostalgia up just typing these words. They could remake them in this neat new Crysis 3 style, and release them as a DLC! I know I'd pay for that, those maps would be epic! The only drawback here would be the need for them to be for PC's only, as I highly doubt consoles could handle the huge scale of those maps. I'm all for them trying to make them available on consoles too, but, were they to do this, I'd prefer they focus on making them as awesome as possible for PC first, and then trying to optimize them for consoles.

I highly doubt this will be seen, even less done, by any member of Crytek, but I felt the need to post my idea rather than stay silent, and I hope some of you enjoy imagining how neat these maps would be in modern Crysis 3 art-style.

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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