I've been observing you for quite sometime now, and I've come to the understanding that you are no stranger to death.
The stench of blood tends to loom in the air around you; leaving me quite the easy trail to follow.
To be frank, I need your expertise to take care of a small problem.
His name is Brand-Shei, a Dunmeri pawnbroker who has set up shop in Riften.
An abomination amongst my people, he must be made an example of and be dealt with ruthlessly.
Normally I handle these types of problems on my own, but I have sworn an oath of kin that I simply cannot break.
Kill Brand-Shei and leave a red mountain flower on his corpse.
You will be rewarded handsomely for your troubles.
Bonus payment will also be available if you manage to make his execution a public one for all to see.