Far Cry 4 Thread

Post » Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:08 am

So what do people think of it so far? I had it on pre-order on the Xbox 1 and have put maybe 40 minutes into it. I have to say that it is beautiful. To the point where even the individual branches of trees blow realistically in what is presumably wind. The gameplay seems fluid in the swim manner as Far Cry 3. I haven't yet gained access to vehicles. The voice acting seems excellent and the audio clear and crisp. The terrain, as well as beautiful, is varies and interesting, from pools and rivers to snow.-peaked mountains, and that's just in the first few minutes.

So far I have killed people by:

Shooting them (standard)
Throwing a rock to distract them, then creeping up behind them and stabbing them in the neck
Using bait to lure a wild bear to them
Freeing a caged leopard, which proceeded to slaughter everyone in the village (an evil village, so it's okay)

The stealth feel excellent, with bushes capable to hiding you even when very close to the bad guys, unless you move in which case they get suspicious, "I can see you!", one of them shouted as I moved towards him under cover of bushes. I ran forward and stabbed him, stole his gun and shot his friend.

So yeah, I haven't played it much so far, but I'm very impressed with what I have seen. Now to try GTA V :)
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