I'm not sure if this is a valid death. It's one thing to underestimate a height and die from the jump down. It's something else to be instagibbed due to faulty geometry. If you fell less than 3x your character height, you should have been hurt, but not killed. The judgement call is your to make, but I say Live On. DiD is an exercise in not being stupid; not punishment for every physics glitch in the game.
Nah, it really was a dead, but thanks for your remarks!
I speedran past the first dragon, you can really run by him very quickly, jumping past his head/running past his wings, before he breathes fire...
I grabbed all the potions in Helgen and ran past all the imperial soldiers, killing a few by walking backwards with flames.
Ran past the spiders and the bear... accepted the main quest follow up and immediately followed the river towards wind helm...
I'm kind of fed up with the intro section but I still feel that I have to do it otherwise it "doesn't count".
But anyway, I killed some bandits on a bridge on the way to Windhelm, grabbed some loot, and burst flamed (does the most damage per magicka) the bandit leader to death, while taking a few bottle's of wine to stay ahead of his two hander...
LoL: "Need to sprint harder, drink wine"...
Anyway, right before arriving at Windhelm I saw a group of imperial soldiers with a stormcloak captive.
One imperial soldier said: "Imperial business, be on your way" (something like that)
And he immediately drew his sword after that...
Arriving at Windhelm seconds after that, the temptation to be "pro stormcloack" was firmly nestled in my head in an instant...
"Hey, this city looks so mythical, grandiose and so rectangular..."
Yep... that was it... the stormcloack mindset grabbed me and wrapped me up...
"AHHH this wintery wonderland of purity... Hey wtf are these elves doing here!"
Nay... I will not allow this in my mind...
I won't belong to stomcloacks and I won't belong to Imperials...
My body is mere animated dirt from the ground, and my soul doesn't belong to them. lol