Ok Ok. Disclaimer: I really don't svck at gaming as much as it seems, and I know for sure I will be able to finish the game on DiD eventually, but I kind of died at level 1.
It really was only partly my fault. TL;DR vid is on the bottom.
watching the vid, I realize I was killed by a [censored] arrow!!! from an imperial soldier somewhere on a bridge. Didn't notice him.
I would understand that you yawned at the death I just had...
But it was due to a new "sin" or fault, lol.
Greed...I'm ashamed to say it, but I was level 1 and just made it out of Skyrim.
I was lucky with my potions I guess, because I already collected 4-5 and because I was bored with the usually route to go to the warrior stone and then to the mines, I decided to just walk left.
I found another health potion and a nice box.
After I finished looting, 3 enemies seemed to spawn out of nowhere.
Being accustomed to turn around and run, I did just that, and spammed a little fire while strategically fleeing and going down some rocks.
"Hey those bandits are going down!", I thought.
Frivolously spamming happy small bolts of fire (that's maximum efficiency because the direct damage of fire is relatively low compared to the "burning over time" damage"
Ok long story short: One bandit happened to be a pretty high level orc.
I just wanted his gear so bad that I tried to slowly kill him, and it worked well, since he was also halted by a wolf, where I carefully burned him without touching the wolf.
Running away while slowly but steadily draining his health, 3 [censored] soldiers...
I actually hoped for support, and I hoped to suddenly walk into riverwood because I was kind of lost again.
I ran into 3 imperial soldiers... I don't know why they attacked me?
Maybe the game was still triggered on "Imperial soldiers attack prisoner", seems logical, but why don't they attack when I approach the gates in the first quest then?
So I hoped they would help me but I after zigzagging a little it was clear that the bow was aiming at me.
Sigh... "turn the knob and run again :rolleyes:"
Right into the orc of course...
One hit; take some damage, I was to happy with my minor potions that I didn't use them, should have used one...
Second hit, death...
So greed for Orc loot. (I thought it might be a glitchy thing to encounter him = nice loot for me)
And greed to not use my final potions...
(and forgot level "abuse")
TL;DR : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sL2bwMshDk&hd=1Good thing is, it's weekend,
I'll come back only when I'm level 15+ because next run, I won't die, at least not, until level 15...