So far this is one of the best games I have ever played, BUT

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:24 pm

lol, ok so i tried this on my "expert" dificulty lvl.... And died in the dungoun you get the golden claw (I am not good enough for this) lol
so, ill leave it to you dedicated people and stick with my lvl 35 guy on adept :P I'll keep up on this post though as it it entertaining and
I could learn a thing or two.... :)
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:18 pm

Ok Ok. Disclaimer: I really don't svck at gaming as much as it seems, and I know for sure I will be able to finish the game on DiD eventually, but I kind of died at level 1.
It really was only partly my fault. TL;DR vid is on the bottom.

-edit- watching the vid, I realize I was killed by a [censored] arrow!!! from an imperial soldier somewhere on a bridge. Didn't notice him.

I would understand that you yawned at the death I just had...

But it was due to a new "sin" or fault, lol.


I'm ashamed to say it, but I was level 1 and just made it out of Skyrim.
I was lucky with my potions I guess, because I already collected 4-5 and because I was bored with the usually route to go to the warrior stone and then to the mines, I decided to just walk left.
I found another health potion and a nice box.
After I finished looting, 3 enemies seemed to spawn out of nowhere.

Being accustomed to turn around and run, I did just that, and spammed a little fire while strategically fleeing and going down some rocks.
"Hey those bandits are going down!", I thought.

Frivolously spamming happy small bolts of fire (that's maximum efficiency because the direct damage of fire is relatively low compared to the "burning over time" damage"
Ok long story short: One bandit happened to be a pretty high level orc.
I just wanted his gear so bad that I tried to slowly kill him, and it worked well, since he was also halted by a wolf, where I carefully burned him without touching the wolf.

Running away while slowly but steadily draining his health, 3 [censored] soldiers...
I actually hoped for support, and I hoped to suddenly walk into riverwood because I was kind of lost again.

I ran into 3 imperial soldiers... I don't know why they attacked me?
Maybe the game was still triggered on "Imperial soldiers attack prisoner", seems logical, but why don't they attack when I approach the gates in the first quest then?

So I hoped they would help me but I after zigzagging a little it was clear that the bow was aiming at me.

Sigh... "turn the knob and run again :rolleyes:"

Right into the orc of course...

One hit; take some damage, I was to happy with my minor potions that I didn't use them, should have used one...
Second hit, death...

So greed for Orc loot. (I thought it might be a glitchy thing to encounter him = nice loot for me)
And greed to not use my final potions...
(and forgot level "abuse")


Good thing is, it's weekend,
I'll come back only when I'm level 15+ because next run, I won't die, at least not, until level 15...
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Charles Weber
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:04 am

You inspired me to try my own DiD adventure and it was all going well until, full of my own self inport i joined hand to hand with the giant outside of the orc fortress and ended my first DiD adventure
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:01 am

You inspired me to try my own DiD adventure and it was all going well until, full of my own self inport i joined hand to hand with the giant outside of the orc fortress and ended my first DiD adventure

ouch, to bad...

I'm to scared to go much closer than the maximum bow range right now..
I don't even know how I'm gonna approach Giants when I will have to...
Since I'm trying to be a good guy hopefully I don't even have to fight one.

I was lucky enough to see a book on "Troll killing", I savored all the info in that book because they seemed strong when one killed like 3 guards.

I have to break one rule, for one time, but it's only a bugfix for retrieving my companion, I have to fast travel somewhere and back to try to get her back because she refuses to leave a certain terrace/balcony thing.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:03 pm

But only because I decided to play it with an xbox controller on master without compass and reroll a character upon death...

xbox controller

reroll a character upon death...

Does not compute. You really find the clumsy and slow x box controller better than the superior super efficent superfast and deadly precise mouse + keyboard?

Kudos for playing hardcoe though! :D
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:19 pm

Does not compute. You really find the clumsy and slow x box controller better than the superior super efficent superfast and deadly precise mouse + keyboard?

Of course mouse and keyboard is much better.
I played cs fulltime, I had and endless flame war with someone on youtube about how [censored] a controller is for fps games imo. :P

And when bad company 2 had mouselag and herpaderp developers didn't even care to remove (negative) mouse acceleration in freaking fps games anymore, I really hated the xbox360...

But the fact is with this game; It is just made for an xbox controller, like most games... With the Witcher2 it hurt me as well to see my keyboard is emulating an xbox controller.

But I decided to let it go and focus on the positive.

- Laidback gaming in resting in the back of your seat. Or even playing on your bed. Don't have to put my hands on the table fulltime.

- More immersive and more natural playing imo...

- And to be honest, if you play it with pc you might just feel that some things in the game are limited to work well with a controller is, so yeah... Some things could have been more profound if it was optimized for the pc.

I wasn't anticipating this game for years, I just saw that many people liked it and I decided to play...
But a lot of people are upset about it being a controller game, which is understandable in a way, but just get a controller then?
I wish I could have used my sidewinder more when I was a kid.
And if they dumb down rpg's into oblivion (no pun intended) I can always go back to the a game cave somewhere and play advanced dnd with people.

Just wanted to get that of my chest :P
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lacy lake
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:46 pm

I dunno about all you but I feel bad for buddy that gets his head lobbed off at the beginning....

Never ending sequence that really really svcks.

I also agree with this game being better on xbox controller. Though I have not tried it... I did plaay morrowind on both and was able to get myself waaaaaaaaaay more into the game on xbox than using a keyboard.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:17 pm

I dunno about all you but I feel bad for buddy that gets his head lobbed off at the beginning....

Never ending sequence that really really svcks.

For me it is a ritual where I just go do something else, (alt tab pauses the game :( )
and put my controller in a safe spot so it doesn't vibrate off the table while I'm gone :P

I do think it's unrealistic they don't throw his head out of the basket to make room. :P
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:12 am

Knowing how the game mechanics work, I could easily beat this game with zero deaths, even on master difficulty.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:25 pm

A pretty good idea for making the game more difficult, I like it. Will I do it?, Hell no I'd get bored of it easily, since this games mechanics bamboozle me at times...
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:12 am

I would never do DiD in Skyrim. Way too many "gotcha!" deaths, especially at higher levels. Not just traps, either. "Surprise! This mage, who looks exactly like all other mages, uses ice shards, which you have no defense against! The first one pinned you in place, now you die no matter what." Great, 20 hours of my life gone. No thanks.

I would just end up refusing 90% of all quests and do nothing but carry letters between towns (sprinting away from every wolf encountered on the road), because everything else is just too dangerous.

That said, great work Rotemetoot and I'm delighted that you found a way to play that brings you so much joy (even though I think you're "doing it wrong" :)). Shine on, you crazy rainbow.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:20 pm

I die pretty frequently... I doubt I could keep resetting.

But playing without compass and fast travel would be very nice. Maybe someday....
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:49 pm

I would never do DiD in Skyrim. Way too many "gotcha!" deaths, especially at higher levels. Not just traps, either.


Maybe sound advice, and maybe you are right, but I think it can be done because it seems your health always drains away instead of "WHOOMP => DEATH"...
I always have time to hit the menu.
Except for Giants I guess, because they insta-kill you, so I just leave them alone.

Small meaningless update btw:

I wandered off with my companion, bored with the same quest all over again, so I ventured to the right.

Sweet justice be done... I saw those 3 Thalmor men (let's just say they were the same) who in a previous run attacked us for a religiously neutral response.
We ambushed them quite nicely.

This and that...Found a very very nice camp with a nice new bow, my companion got stuck/bugged there so I have to use fast travel just to repair that bug and make her come back.
Continued, this and that...
Until I found a wanderer who plays songs, He was a decoy for some bandits that attacked me, and I helped him in response.
I decided to pay this happy fella to make some jolly music...

Was funny how the music was instantly replaced with the sound of steel and a taunt, when he suddenly attacked the bandit leader that seemed to be in my back.
Happy with this nice guy, who I thought would never handle a fight well...
I helped him out but hit him once by accident... I thought, ahh he will understand... But no... not scripted as a buddy so he had a murderhungry grudge against me for one blow, while I saved his life :(

Bandit leader was dead though so it was just me and my friend who were bashing eachother's head in...
I couldn't kill him...He was always so nice and called me a friend... :(

So I looted the whole bandit camp while he was chasing me, For every time I looted something, I had to bash his head in again to give me a small break, while he was saying: "mercy" and, "I yield, I yield" and stuff...
Luckily I invested all my perks in armor and archery so the facebashing with my warhammer was not to much and not to little for him so I could safely loot the camp.

I ran away and let him live.
Now I'm completely lost, although I see some signs on the road ahead... Hope it says "Whiterun" on one of them...
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Wane Peters
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:01 pm

I made it back to whiterun because I apparently committed a small crime (not as big as what I'm into now).

Dropped of in dragonsreach, I continued quests, I'm pretty nicely leveled now (9 or so) so the dungeon for the stone and claw was easy.

I slayed the dragon and the game told me to use my shout... I did... on the preacher... :(

I thought it was just a breeze, and it was... But still 40 bounty and all guards attacking me... When I made it outside, a horse ran away out of the commotion or so...
I followed it and borrowed it since it ran off... Another high amount of bounty added...

After circling the city a bit deciding what to do... (don't know what to do)

I figured, maybe if I talk to them before they can kill me, I can just pay off the bounty.
I went to the burning watch tower and quickly ran to a guard... No talk option.

Got back to my horse while being hit with arrows...
While climbing my horse I thought: "this is it if I cannot go to the menu quickly, omg..."

Desperately spamming menu/menu/menu... The guard attacking me suddenly started the dialogue I wanted to hear: "you have commited crimes..."
But I was spamming the menu button so I lost an opportunity to pay off my bounty and added 40 extra on top of it...

And my companion is dead, missing, or in the city... She got all the pricey dragon scales :(
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:17 am

So I was finally halted again, relieved to pay off my bounty, I was happy the bounty wasn't above 1000 gold...

I payed and was delivered in front of Dragonreach again.

I went into Dragonreach but everyone started attacking???
I thought I payed??

Outside I noticed my companion was back again, so that's nice.
And the other guards outside didn't attack me.

So I was absolutely clueless on how to go on with the main quest.

I was ready to report this "bug" or ask for help on the forum, until suddenly a courier ran up to me and gave me this letter.

No idea where "Folgunthur" is, but I'll just go to the bearded men and see what happens.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:43 pm

Any chance you are a vamp? People will attack you if you are in advanced vamp disease state.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:17 am

Any chance you are a vamp? People will attack you if you are in advanced vamp disease state.

No only the people in Dragonreach attacked me...

And I got a letter from a "friend" saying that I should visit Folgunthur...
So I think it's actually scripted in the game that if you use your first shout on someone in whiterun your main quest will have a slight detour or something...
Which is pretty awesome.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:01 pm

any time you use a shout in town a courier will come with tips on how to find the next shout
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:13 pm

For every time I looted something, I had to bash his head in again to give me a small break, while he was saying: "mercy" and, "I yield, I yield" and stuff...
Luckily I invested all my perks in armor and archery so the facebashing with my warhammer was not to much and not to little for him so I could safely loot the camp.

I ran away and let him live.
Now I'm completely lost, although I see some signs on the road ahead... Hope it says "Whiterun" on one of them...

Haha, I've done this a few times :) Wish there was a way to make them appreciate your mercy, or at least make them give up fighting.

I made it back to whiterun because I apparently committed a small crime (not as big as what I'm into now).

Dropped of in dragonsreach, I continued quests, I'm pretty nicely leveled now (9 or so) so the dungeon for the stone and claw was easy.

I slayed the dragon and the game told me to use my shout... I did... on the preacher... :(

I thought it was just a breeze, and it was... But still 40 bounty and all guards attacking me... When I made it outside, a horse ran away out of the commotion or so...
I followed it and borrowed it since it ran off... Another high amount of bounty added...

After circling the city a bit deciding what to do... (don't know what to do)

I figured, maybe if I talk to them before they can kill me, I can just pay off the bounty.
I went to the burning watch tower and quickly ran to a guard... No talk option.

Got back to my horse while being hit with arrows...
While climbing my horse I thought: "this is it if I cannot go to the menu quickly, omg..."

Desperately spamming menu/menu/menu... The guard attacking me suddenly started the dialogue I wanted to hear: "you have commited crimes..."
But I was spamming the menu button so I lost an opportunity to pay off my bounty and added 40 extra on top of it...

And my companion is dead, missing, or in the city... She got all the pricey dragon scales :(

Intense :ooo:
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:13 pm

Also, just as a spoiler-free warning in case you are not using the floating arrow quest markers, some quests are basically impossible without those. I spent an hour searching for some "things" in a quest, gave up, turned on the arrows and realized the "things" I was looking for were pretty much microscopic. So you might want to give yourself a time limit when searching for stuff, unless you're really good at that sort of stuff.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:38 pm

Trying to reach the bearded men I took the road left to the river and reached Windhelm.

Chilled there for a bit and looking at my quests I noticed a new quest involving Folgunthur, so I think the courier was just giving me a sidequest.

I decided to go back to Whiterun.

I went back along the other side of the river now and happily strolled along. First on the road and later just through a mossy area.

I think I heard some tumult and thought about a wolf among the critters I saw running around.
I looked back at my companion and saw her drawing her sword and looking up.
It was dark but I could still see her being covered by a growing shadow.

Only when I looked up I realized I had my first random dragon encounter.
I forgot all about the promises of random dragon encounters and I wasn't really anticipated about it...
Scary stuff, I don't know how strong it was.

It flew over my companion in a 2 dimensional pattern blasting her with his/her breath.
My companion seemed to be hiding next to rocks (or the rocks just happen to be there)
She was ducking and I don't think she delivered hits.

I hit the dragon with arrows a couple of times and tried to save my companion who was at very low health.
Being hit myself now I recognized I had to run because I had to use 3-4 potions for every hit, and it had a frost breath slowing me down.

So I ran and the dragon happily followed me, Going to the ground now and then to strike me from up close.
After one feeble attempt to burn the dragon a bit I decided my only chance was to flee and flee some more.

Now I'm close to some sort of castle...
I think they are hostile but maybe I can use them to decoy the dragon, I don't know.
I have a nice summoning scroll which can further decoy the dragon if needed.

I think I might survive, but I'm gonna fraps it, in case it will be my death.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 pm

Id like to try this but i think i would restart from where you escape helgen and need to follow the road to riverwood. I dont think i could redo that intro quest over and over as it already felt extremely tedious on my 3rd character
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Big mike
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:19 pm

I do not agree with the OP that all deaths of char are the result of player error. I am curious if he holds that belief much longer. IMO, the game can surprise you.
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Scared humanity
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:19 pm

Id like to try this but i think i would restart from where you escape helgen and need to follow the road to riverwood. I dont think i could redo that intro quest over and over as it already felt extremely tedious on my 3rd character

True... I do it thought, because otherwise it doesn't feel like a reroll... maybe light autism?? :P just kidding, but yeah...

Btw, the dragon encounter resulted in death. :(

But it was my fault to use the shout on the priest initially so I wandered off.

To my misfortune when I ran to the nearest settlement, there was a waterfall blocking my way, I tried to cross the river a little to the left of it.

I had a lot of bad luck... The dragon attacked me just before I got under water and he didn't do me damage, so I thought I was safe under water and decided to try to regenerate everything there.
To bad the dragon struck again and hit me under water (so my theory was wrong) and after 2 hits I was done...

Maybe I could have made it if I just left the water immediately, and started running towards the castle like stronghold.

Next run I'm gonna just do the quests quick until I need to visit the high mountain and get a companion to help me progress the story now.

I'm pretty :( by the end of this run though so need to muster some strenght...

Once again, it was my own fault...

This time it was aggression with the preacher... (why would he deserve a shout in his face?)
I was supposed to roleplay a good guy.

So my deadly sin this run was: Anger... :P
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:01 pm

I really think the level up/restore health thing should be always used. you will not get through this game without dying and random dragon encounters happen OFTEN and at really bad times
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