I decided to make this topic because of a story I heard.
There are news on this story.
Konami recentely bought the studio known as Hudson Soft.
Hudson Soft are some of the oldest developers,they are making console games since mid-80s.
They have made some very popular plarform and puzzle games like Adventure Island and Bomberman series.
Hudsont Soft had been working on three Nintendo 3ds games lately which where to be launch titles for the new console.
Some of the games where Bomberman 3ds,Bonk and Omega 5.
At the last moment,just a week or two before the launch of 3ds,Konami buys Hudson and cancel all of their games.
Konami then closed completely the U.S.A department of Hudson Soft and fired 40 people from Hudson's Japan department.
Konami announced that Hudson Soft,a developer that had be making console games for more than 25 years from now and on will be making ONLY social network games.
Some of you might not like Hudson's games,but that should interest you because it's a big hit on core gaming for the favour of Facebook games.
Personally,I was very dissapointed because I grew up playing Bomberman on my SNES and I was a fan of the series,and from now and on I won't have the oportunity to play a new Bomberman game on a console.
I'm afraid that Hudson Soft won't be the only studio that publishers will limit and force to make only Facebook games.
What do you think ?
Are you afraid that more developers will start making Facebook games exclusively ?
Do you think that Facebook games are a danger to the future of console gaming ?