Yes. The forgotten arcane art of Speedy Disrobing was taught to the Egg-Vehk by spirits from beyond the veil, as stated in the 36 Lessons:
Seven Daedra came to her one night and each one gave to the egg new motions that could be achieved by certain movements of the bones. These are called the Barons of Dress Like This. Then an eighth Daedroth came, and he was a Demiprince, called Carson Kressley, or the Multiplier of Wardrobe Combinations Known.
However, some Temple Zero theologians speculate that fast-equipping was brought into the patterns of Aurbical possibility by Angyal-i, the Yoku Goddess of Can't-Decide-What-To-Wear, whose sphere encompasses cocktail parties, neckerchiefs, female jealousy, and wardrobe malfunctions.