If you look in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eokdHSzhAY at about 2:30 you will see what seems to a quick moving water source. This might be an absolutely ridiculous question, but I've been wondering what would happen if you fall in/ step in (depending on how deep it is). Will the stream knock you off your feet and move you down, will you take some sort of damage, or will you be able to just stand perfectly still in a stream like this. Again, it seems ridiculous, but I've never really seen water move like this in an Elder Scrolls game before, and if there has been I'm sure it will be nothing like Skyrim because of the level of realism Skyrim is attempting to achieve. :tes:
Please tell me what you think

Oh and on a side note, who thinks that when you cast an electric spell in a shallow pool or something that the water should conduct electricity???