To each their own, I played the Battlefield 3 BETA game and died almost instantly, by some random sniper who was camping. When I started camping in the subway by the train, I got some nice kills, but overall the MP was just boring, cause by the time you find someone, I am struggling to not fall asleep.
Crysis 2 and 3 causes you to have an adrenaline rush.
I understand what you mean. But i feel like "instant-action" kills the team-work, the tactic thinking.
I don't want to make any pub for BF3 which have flaws, but the slower-pace make positionning and tactic thinking (the use of smoke grenade for example) way more necessary than in Crysis 3.
Still i've some pretty decent crash site game in which i've fun. (Positionning is a little more important in the kind of game).
Everything is based on speed + weapon have lots of area effects. AD 1 well that's Crysis for, it's about speed AD 2 sure all assault rifles have area of effect so do snipers. Shotgun in all games have aoe so do explosives. Your argument is invalid