Fast Travel Consequences

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:47 am

But they'll make a special trip, just for you! Same low price...

I lol'd :biggrin:
Morrowind's travel system was definitely the best

Fast travel is not going to be removed, It keeps the action going and is entirely optional. I don't want to get a quest, walk for 20 minutes, then kill the bastard, walk the same path for another 20 minutes and turn in the quest. That would be extremely boring for me. But for the hundredth time, its optional and you can still play the game without using fast travel once.

And for the thousandth time, the whole "it's optional, so don't use it" argument is not valid! Oh I wish it were that simple, but it really isn't. The integrating of an oblivion style fast travel has implications for the entire game. One cannot consider this an isolated feature, since it will affect the game as a whole.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:30 am

And for the thousandth time, the whole "it's optional, so don't use it" argument is not valid! Oh I wish it were that simple, but it really isn't. The integrating of an oblivion style fast travel has implications for the entire game. One cannot consider this an isolated feature, since it will affect the game as a whole.

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Meghan Terry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:33 am

What I'm always saying (the short short version): Option box like in Daggerfall, where you set *how* you travel and what the cost will be - time, money, or risk. Fast travel like today will be achieved by setting options like:
Travel: Both night and day.
Services: No.
Explore: No.
Speed: Safe.
Cost will be zero, but you will pay in additional time to clear bandits, due to scouting ahead.
Estimated time enroute and estimated time of arrival will be shown.
If a spell stops working (feather exploit), the travel will halt, but you can choose to continue.

There is still no risk about it, but you may reconsider your options if on a time critical quest. If you feel time is of the essence, choose reckless but be prepared that there is a chance of being interrupted.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:52 pm

I'd like that, like say when you're X Percent through your travel you have a Y percent of running into bandits and the like.

that sounds very, very fun.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:48 pm

ok my warning status rises a lot just for post this new topic, they said that the already vgot a topic about fast travel but my topic intentions was know if you people think the smae as me: "the fast travel option and hardcoe mode isnt that dificult for bethesda programers" greetings

just for your hardcoe fans, is really really dificult at the begining of the game or in a very hide menu the posibility of disable fast travel? is really that dificult?
the fast travel option is a REAL discussion around here, and i think that todd howard can just say a programmer "hey dude add that option" and in 3 minutes that problem is gone.

The hardcoe mode is much more messy, but stills posible, and you may know that this isn't just for hardcoe gamers, also the casual player will have got some extra replayable points.

someone in twitter:

@DCDeacon Pete please answer, I beg you. Will fasttravel be optional and will there be a "hardcoe mode". Please dude answer!
@MMAMIKEYMIKE When has fast travel ever not been optional? Don't want to use it, don't. Can't answer your 2nd question.

well, if the option is available i will use it, ?why? because is there, trough bugs in oblivion in xbox 360 i can disable fast travel, just need to reach -1 life, also cast silence in miself and those games where the most funny games i ever had in oblivion, my character ccould kill in one shot and be killed in one, sometimes if the fast travel option would be activated i would use it, but it wasn't so it was really cool and funny and i think that a lot of people want this.

postdata: yes maybe be killed in one shot is too extreme but you know a mode where yous character needs to eat, rest, etc etc

so ?people, did you fill the same?

bad english sorry.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:19 am

I think there should just be a sensible transport network, instead of the ability to just teleport anywhere. :shrug:

Problem with that is the "sensible" transport network does the exact same things as direct fast travel except you just have to waste time walking back the same way you came. What we need is a fast travel system where we can only fast travel to cities and villages and a chance to be interrupted while your traveling.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:03 am

Fast travel is like the remote control in Click. I want a travel system, not a fast forward system. One fits in a good RPG, the other in a boring RPG where the world is just there to make up space between locations.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:00 am

There should not be a downside like that to fast traveling, I don't understand why people are so stuck up about it either.

If you don't like it just don't use it, simple as that.
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Karl harris
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:08 pm

even more simple this fact: is simple for a casual gamer, not for a hardcoe one.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:46 pm

It seems the fast travel question has now been answered.

So, no more fast travel threads, I hope.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:33 pm

I'm fine with being interrupted, by not randomly robbed.

You go around fighting Dragons and whatnot, and then get a message "you have been robbed" and you can't even stop the robbers?

Reminds me of a game on my TI-83 (graphing calculator) i use to play during class in high school. It was a text-based crime RPG. You could get in gun fights with cops, sell drugs, carjack people, etc etc.

But then sometimes, randomly you would get shot and mugged, and you lose half your health and half your cash. It was lame.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:47 am

I don't mind the idea of fast travelling to places on the map I have already been. Mark/recall/almsivi/divine intervention/siltstriders/boats/mage guild teleporters ala MW worked ok too.

Immediately it's annoying and kind of immersion breaking. but then after 15hrs of play you are like thank [censored] for fast travel and ultimately for the games sake I don't think it's a a bad thing. I hope getting interupted 50% of the time does not happen! kind of annoying nuisance rather than helpful for any aspect of the game imo. would be more like 5% chance, or not at all for me.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:47 pm

I do not want such consequences. I'm using fast-travel to get somewhere I've already been to quickly and without hassle. That's what I want it to do and that's all I want it to do.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:12 am

I'm in [censored] high school man. By the time I finish homework I don't have the time to walk halfway across skyrim to buy a pair shoes, dont put restrictions on [censored] just cause you dont like it.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:41 am

Tie it to difficultysetting along with other possible (but not likely) "restrictions" like skill requirements and such.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:12 am

The consequences of click-on-map Fast Travel system are a worse, less immersive game.

Yes, it may satisfy some of the kids with lower attention spans, but as far as I'm concerned it introduces a major flaw into the game for no real reason. Many of you simply say "Oh it's okay. The people who want it can use it, and those who dislike it don't have to use it". Well that's not okay, because of course if they're implementing fast travel, they're expecting people to use it, thus making the game in such a way with fast travel in mind. It's utterly stupid. Don't you see that the game will be designed around the fact that it will have fast travel in it, making it have less content? Before, when you had a quest somewhere, you needed to actually, physically GO there, rather than just do a couple clicks and return. Morrowind's travel system was by far the best, most sensible system that could have existed, with a system of Silt Striders, Guild guides, and Gondoliers. I don't know why Bethesda doesn't acknowledge there is a way of having fast travel without making the game a joke, I mean if you need fast travel that badly can you not have Mages guild teleporters, or Mark/Recall ?

You seem to be forgetting a few key things.

1. I don't believe this optional system causes less content in the game world, I didnt' feel like that was the case in Oblivion and I don't think it'll be the case in Skyrim. Fast travel is a convenient feature that you can choose not to use, that's it.

2. You seem to be forgetting that you can only fast travel to a location you have discovered, with the exception of major citites if they follow the same system Oblivion used. That means that yes, you will have to physically go there to do a quest you've gotten, you just have an option to get back quickly afterwards.

Not everyone plays the same way, some people like to get right to the action and cut out what they see as tedious work, in their leisure time they have every right to. If you don't want to use fast travel, don't.
I do agree that Morrowind's system was better, but fast travel is not this big of an issue, you're focusing on the wrong things. What I want from Bethesda games is more involving stories, more engaging gameplay and more interesting characters to meet. I don't care if I don't get to walk through a forest at all times, i can leave the house if I want to walk through a forest. I get where you're coming from, but I don't think fast travel hurts the game as much as you say, and I don't think it's an issue that's important enough to be focused on this heavily.

In short, there are more important things that Bethesda genuinely needs to work on and improve, fast travel is inconsequential. It's there for the people who like it, if you can't accept that then well, tough luck. This is the way it is, live with it.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:45 am

A Dragon Age Origins thing may be interesting where you get interrupted to do battle with a gang of bandits, however this may become tedious to be fair.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:17 am

Fast travel is not teleportation any more than waiting is time traveling.

However, it does impact believability when you can stroll right through enemy territory unmolested just because you happened to make it through once. For me, it's not the time issue so much as the lack of random encounters. If they just limited FT to friendly territory like towns and outposts, it would be different.

FT also tends to undermine the usefulness of mounts -- fast travel is better than any mount. Sure, things take longer for your character when you FT, but it takes less time for you, you can go anywhere, and you don't have to worry about a dragon eating your horse on the trip. And since when does wasting character time actually matter in TES games? Maybe if skills degraded (like that's going to happen when they can't even ditch FT). I can't say I ever bothered to buy a horse in Oblivion.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:48 am

What people need to realize is that the majority of gamers aren't roleplayers. Yes, TES is a fantastic game for roleplaying, and Bethesda does a great job of keeping roleplayers in mind when making their games. However, the majority of people who buy their games don't buy it with roleplaying in mind, they buy it to do the fighting and action and looting. For the game company, they have to do a balancing act to make sure that they satisfy the people who want as much action as possible as quickly as possible (fast travel) and the roleplayers who want everything to be realistic.

I do not see how having fast travel in is in any way detrimental to the gameplay if you decide not to use it - perhaps someone can explain that to me (without just saying "they designed it with fast travel in mind" - if that's the case, then why can you still walk there and back without using fast travel?). In any case, if you hate it, for the PC version there are mods, and it would be nice if they had a toggle. But if you're so much against it then I assume you have the self-control not to use it in the first place.

I personally don't use fast travel, and I'm very satisfied with being able to completely ignore it by just walking.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:17 pm

I don't see the point in spending time and money on making it toggle-able. If you don't want to use it, just don't. If you can toggle it off, you can toggle it back on, so what's to stop you from just doing that if you "crack" so to speak? It's a waste of time to implement when you can just show some restraint instead.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:41 am

I do believe that there should be a fast travel
system.But I also believe that there should be
consequences when you fast travel.Like 50%
of the time you should be attacked by bandits/creatures
or robbed by thieves and when you
get to your location and you'll receive a message that
says you been robbed.Do you think there should
be consequences for using fast travel?

Isn't there something like this in DAO?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:01 pm

Welcome to the club brother, I'm lazy and I also have no work ethic, it's making college very difficult as we have to do pretty much everything on our own, and I screwed myself over in that regard.

Last term I had pretty much As or A+s in all my classes, up until finals. Well...Cataclysm came out. And i was too lazy to really study, ended up with two B+s and one B, and magically one A in my full year course (hopefully I can keep that one going this term)

We are way off topic. Whats this thread about? Fast Travel Thread Number 2576?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:14 am

I'm one of the players who wouldn't mind if fast travel in its present state is removed. I'd prefer to have a system something like Morrowind, where it took strategy and sometimes planning to move about the world efficiently. It added incredible depth to the game, and I actually felt I was navigating around a world.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:20 am

Some thoughs. I don't mind fast travel being interrupted by random encounters, but getting randomly robbed with no chance of avoiding it (Excuse me for preferrign to murder bandits on sight) is just not going to fly with me.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 am

If I fast-travel, I would like it FO1, where there is a chance that an event will occur, and I am taken out of my travel, and I have to deal with it.
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