The issue with fast travel in Oblivion is that there is no immersive in-game option. No carriages, no boats, no nothing. Skyrim having these in-game options is awesome but if fast travel still has no consequence then it makes fast travel act almost as a cheat. Putting a cost on fast travel makes sense to balance the gameplay. I would assume you are paying a carriage in fast travel too, just without going to one in-game, so it makes sense to have a cost.
then there's no reason to use fast travel......Why not ride a carriage if fast travel cost money?
The point of fast travel was to help people who had limited play time, and had a hard time getting around in Morrowind....(first people complained because the lack of it, then they complained because of it.)
When i read it seemed to say
likely charged not actually payed for....
" A quick glance at the map shows the few places that we have already seen or of which we have heard. Although markers can be set, the (charged) quick trip but it works only when the destination was actually ever visited before." is a direct translation of it without context.
Considering fast travel is walking there without you having to walk, i never hated it the way some people seem to, but i also never used it. But some people have to because they can only play for a limited amount a day( such as my little brothers friends, triplets who have very strict parents, they only get to play for an hour each, and were forced to use fast travel in OB)
Some people say it breaks immersion, and some people say you don't see the environment, but immersion is subjective, and people who have a limited play time probably carer more about just getting to play instead of spending all there time walking there.
EndoExile, Totally agree with you on that.