No Fast Travel Perks

Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:02 am

It is teleportation though...

I open my map, I press my finger on a destination, and I immediately appear there. Granted, time passes, but in Oblivion time meant absolutely nothing and therefore time is not a cost that can be considered in any FT argument.

I think that they should implement a fully fleshed out travel network that makes sense (just like in Morrowind, only with more options). However, as a realist I understand that the wants of the general gaming population do not coincide with my wants, so I fully expect "skip to the action" travel to be present and there to be no "I like to experience the game aspects that are not combat-related" travel mode.

I think you missed his point. If this is so terrible, why aren't you considering the "wait" function useless?
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 8:58 am

I think you missed his point. If this is so terrible, why aren't you considering the "wait" function useless?

The "Wait" fuction is pretty useless (and more than a bit annoying) since, again, time has no cost in Oblivion. You will never fail a quest because you waited too long or took too long traveling to the town.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:25 pm

I used fast travel in Oblivion because there simply was not reason NOT to use it. The design of the game was tailored so you would have to use it. There were simple fetch quests that, given the fast travel option, you just had to use it and not waste time for a crappy quest with a crappy reward. However, Im hoping fast travel works like in Fallout and not Oblivion, meaning that you can only fast travel to places you have visited.

I liked Fallout, but the enviroment wasnt too inviting for me as to not use fast travel for going places I already visited. It was also this huge plain with almost no natural obstacles (like in Morrowind). Oblivion was kind of like that too...if Skyrim feels more interesting for walking everywhere, I may just skip fast travel most of the time, even if it is like Fallout (where I fast traveled to the nearest visited place to the objective).
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:49 pm

The "Wait" fuction is pretty useless (and more than a bit annoying) since, again, time has no cost in Oblivion. You will never fail a quest because you waited too long or took too long traveling to the town.

It's not useless. You use it to make time pass quicker when you don't want to wait around. For example, if you want to go to a store, you have to wait untill daytime to enter and shop.


It's something you use so you aren't stuck doing something useless when you just want to do something like be somewhere or be some time. Tell me you've never used it when you approached a weapons shop at night or something like that.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 12:52 pm

The "Wait" fuction is pretty useless (and more than a bit annoying) since, again, time has no cost in Oblivion. You will never fail a quest because you waited too long or took too long traveling to the town.

Something should be done with wait actually.
It makes game too easy.
I don't even thing about buying potions since ones I find on the way are enough.
I use them during the battle if I have to and rest when battle is over.
Too easy.
Can't remember now, but I think that you couldn't heal HP (MP and FP regenerate themselves) during a wait period and only while sleeping.
I think that it would be good if something like that returns.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 8:56 pm

It's not useless. You use it to make time pass quicker when you don't want to wait around. For example, if you want to go to a store, you have to wait untill daytime to enter and shop.


No, it isn't. Waiting merely advances the clock. There is no associated cost with waiting in reality, it makes sense there be none when waiting in a game. Oblivion fast travel has no costs. You must simply be in an exterior cell, unencumbered, and you can go anywhere in the world without worry. If you wait in the wilderness, there is the chance you will be interrupted by enemies. No encounters arise from use of Oblivion fast travel.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:48 am

I'm not aganist fast travel but I really think a network of tranportation devices would be much better, it seemed kinda lazy to replace that with fast-travel in Oblivion. As for your idea, I like it, except the speed bonus. Also I think it may be difficult to put that in, and deactivating it everytime combat is entered.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:51 pm

what a waste of a perk.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 10:30 am

I'm not a big fan of fast travel, but why would we get a bonus for not using it? It's like saying I don't want fast travel but I want to travel faster.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 7:49 pm

I vote for a magic map.

"Alexander pulls out his magic map"
"Alexander feels a strange pulling sensation"
^reference .5% of the forum will get.

Now that was a game that didn't hold your hand AT ALL. I miss those days.

R.I.P. Point & Click adventure games
R.I.P. Kings Quest

Telltale Games is "Rebooting" King's Quest

And I think me means to include it like a trait from FO:NV you can select it when you begin the game and thats that, no perk wasted.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:04 am

So called 'Fast travel' is just 'foot travel' that you don't have to sit through... It does not benefit the PC.

But it does. You "time out" while fast travelling... everyone and everything ignores you, spell effects don't wear off before reaching the destination, and you even auto-heal. You can't tell me that's not a much better deal compared to walking the same path manually, where you risk encounters, spell effects can wear-off mid-travel, and your health stays the same if you're lucky to not take damage.

That said, I don't think I like the idea of a non-fast traveller getting benefits, either. I'd more like it if fast travel is just put more in line with what it should be... a quick simulation of your character walking to the destination. Nothing more, nothing less. An encounter would stop the simulation, just as it'd stop someone who's not fast travelling. Anything that would happen to someone who's not fast travelling, should also happen to someone who is fast travelling.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 2:24 pm

The "Wait" fuction is pretty useless (and more than a bit annoying) since, again, time has no cost in Oblivion. You will never fail a quest because you waited too long or took too long traveling to the town.

Why should time have a cost? Yes you could have timed quests, in Daggerfall most quests was timed, Wait was still useful simply to wait until shop opened.
The combination of no fast travel and timed quests would be totally annoying as you would not know the time used on a quest before accepting it.
Lots of quests send you to the other side of the map, this was no big problem in Daggerfall as you had fast travel and you had unlimited random quests, downside of failing was a reputation drop similar to two solved quests, you could just refuse the random quest and ask for another one, most did refuse dungeon crawls for the mage guild and just asked for new quests until you got the guard the mage guild one: just wait until night and you got attacked: kill the attackers, wait until morning and finish.
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 3:08 pm

OK lets sum up

Fast Travel

Travel to a location instantly AKA teleportation No cost to use all FREE
Spell effects don't wear off before reaching the destination, and you even auto-heal. (thanks Huleed i didn't even know this since i never used it)
Time passes instantly so i can do runs on oh say Robber Glens Cave and not have to wait there for 4 days to pass outside for items to re-spawn, i can simply fast ravel and instead of it taking 2 minutes real time for 4 days to pass i can do it in ten seconds.(Thanks NazzerDawk again i didn't even know this, i always had to do the wait thing again and again)
No need to buy a horse when you can teleport

Turns a great large world into a tiny one for the sake of convenience.


Imagined Immersion

everything all of the PRO's listed under Fast Travel
i have to run from place to place to get from Cheydinhal to Anvil could take 5 minutes on a black Horse
i have to wait 4 days for items to re-spawn and that can take up to 2 minutes real time with fast ravel its near instant

Ways to correct the glaring unfairness

Give us a hardcoe option of no fast ravel or
Give us fast run speeds while not in combat to slightly compensate for the instant teleportation of fast ravel or
Make it a perk that allows faster running and disable fast travel or
Make us do a REALLY hard quest that gives us some sort of limited usage perhaps Daily use item of teleportation or
Bring back guild teleportation, boats and silt riders
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 6:49 pm

I think the biggest problem with fast travel isn't fast travel but how convenient it is. You can add in a lot of other features but to save time you will still be driven to fast travel, rather one alternative would be to have a cost to fast traveling, so you have to pay gold to use it. Maybe it could be where there is two modes, a normal mode with no fast travel and an adventurer mode where you have to pay and may have fast travel interrupted half way, say by bandits or bears or being attacked. Of course such a mode would need more then just alterations to fast travel but I hope you guys get my point to it. But just to stop it being a case of a straight line, fast travel should bias towards roads and so interruptions happen on roads.

"have fast travel interrupted half way"

I think this would be a great feature as it wouldn't happen all the time maybe 30% , but having some consequences for using fast travel too much would be cool.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Thu May 12, 2011 11:18 am

"have fast travel interrupted half way"

I think this would be a great feature as it wouldn't happen all the time maybe 30% , but having some consequences for using fast travel too much would be cool.

Combat is a reward to me not a penalty, this just makes Fast Ravel MORE beneficial. I look for combat, this would make FT mandatory.
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