Fast Travel :(

Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:15 am

"if the game tell you to go to the other side of the world just to do one quest"

Ok, first of all, the landscape looks MUCH more interresting than in Oblivion.
Second, what the hell do you want? all quests in the same town, making you see the same exact landscape everytime?
This is a game about being an advanturer, of course you're gonna travel a lot!
But you know what you do if you want to save a bit of travel? get all the quests you can in one town, do those that you don't have to travel far for, and THEN travel.
Seriously... I didn't even know you could be lazy in an effin videogame

(also, it's probably gonna be a bit more like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, or even fallout 3, in which you won't be able to fast-travel to towns you haven't been before
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:19 am

I still maintain games aren't built around fast travel. If you have to walk or ride to the other side of the map and back, because someone wants something that is too far for them to get themselves, well, tough, that's why roads are built, so people can travel. No reason for everyone to want you to go somewhere conveniently close. People keep lumping fast travel and quest markers together. I don't agree. Choice of fast travel, or long overland journey. Fine by me. Quest markers, however, are a real problem. A game designed around them is robbing the player of detective work, npc interaction, and possibly a sense of achievement, if you are the sort of player who appreciates extra work before any reward.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:57 pm

Heh, this thread again. Just don't use it, and if quests are based with fast travel in mind and you loathe it.. Simply use the carriage. I'm gonna take a guess and assume you were a vivid fan of morrowind (as am I), which is why you don't like fast travel, how did you feel when you played oblivion and realised all means of transportation had been removed and replaced with FT? Not too good I'm guessing. Why would you want the new TES fans who only played Oblivion to feel the same way when you could just put in both features instead. It sounds like a win-win situation to me atleast.

The problem in Oblivion was that it were no alternative to FT, you'd need to be most patient man/woman on earth in order to not use it on some of the longer travels. Now that the carriages are back there shouldn't be a problem anymore. Well, there is one thing that comes to mind in fact.. I imagine carriages only travel in between cities and villages, so FT would still have the upper hand when it comes to distant caverns or w.e you can't use carriages for, I won't mind though. I like just walking around in games, especially the ones in the TES-series.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:50 pm

As someone who opposes fast travel, it's quite shocking how many people in my camp don't accept the "don't want it, don't use it" answer. But there is a gray area, because, like Cimex mentioned earlier, some quests are designed with FT in mind. I mean, sending someone back and forth across a long distance can be a daunting task for someone who doesn't want to use FT. I think that's okay for the main quest, but I think side quests should be kept fairly local.

People say FT hampers exploration, but I don't think it does, because you can't FT to locations you've never been to before. If you find yourself having to visit a location repeatedly then FT becomes an attractive option because you've already worn a path between to areas and there's nothing new to discover.

Quest and POI markers on the map and compass are much more guilty of eliminating the need to explore than FT is IMO.

Agreed with you a little bit on the quest markers, but I feel it's that red compass marker that hurts exploration the most.

I'm in your camp and I don't except "don't like, don't use it".... I like fast travel, I just don't like Oblivion's fast travel. The reason we do not except fruadulant "don't like, don't use it" argument, cause there is no other option and the game was built around it.

If I didn't like using the mages guild in morrowind, "don't like it, don't use it" would of been fine, because of the 5 other ways to fast travel, even walking had an alternet i.e. levetation and jumping.

I don't like driving 25 miles to work every day, but with no other form of trans, other walking, I don't have much chioce.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:17 am

"Don't like it don't use it" does not work if the game is as heavily built around people using fast travel as Oblivion was. Same for quest markers. But I think with better horses and an actual carriage system it's more in the direction of Morrowind.

In hundreds of hours of Oblivion play, I think I've used fast travel twice. And generally have the quest marker set to a quest I'm not currently doing. I'm not really seeing a significant hardship.

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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:15 pm

Yes it is confirmed but i dont like fast travel u wont be able to explore the game.... i like walking to the cities and getting some bandits or wolves along the way it is handy later game but begin game i wont use it because i really want to explore and i will run so hard if i see an dragon.

Think of it as grammar.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:48 am

This is very simple to correct and I can not understand why people have issues with it...

If you do not like fast travel:

1. Only use the fast travel option to travel to major cities. (sortove like a carrage....with out he carrage:)
2. Be self controlled and do not use it to travel to every point on the map.
3. Do not complain that it is in the game.

Fast travel is an option. Not a requriement.

There are many features about came we can exploit, the fun with games like this is we can play it how we want.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:56 pm

Because of this....

When the game is specifically designed around using fast travel and quest markers it makes it exponentially worse for those who dont use them......whether they have a huge lack of info to go on regarding quests.....or if every quests takes you way across the world, and because the devs assume fast travel will be used, there is little in between....this was the case for me in fallout 3....very little in between that could make the run 10x more enjoyable. Idk might be because of morrowinds smaller size but it seemed much more packed with caves/dungeons and i enjoyed running around to the nearest silt strider/mage port/wherever i had to go....the landscape was also a huge plus to make me want to walk everywhere. Then later games, like i said above with fallout 3, everything looked the same, and felt like there was much less in between.

edit: like red said below, when the game is specificaly designed around people using a certain function....the dont like it dont use it argument has no place here.

Yeah, I think they need to build quests under the assumption that there will be no fast travel. It's annoying going halfway across the map all the time because of a quest. It's supposed to be an entire province, quests should mostly stick to a smaller area with some exceptions.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:49 pm

I say thank god for fast travel... I like exploring new places and just walking in a game some times.. but when it involves walking across the map.. im gona use fast travel.. and there is now a carriage system? thats pretty neat.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:18 am

There's are forms of fast travel in the last 3 elder scrolls ( I never played the first one).

Yeah, but I think Oblivion and Skyrim were the only games really awesome to explore. Maybe not even Oblivion. Morrowind were just plains, hills and a few trees anyway. I haven't played Daggerfall and Arena, but I don't think they're better than Morrowind. So, I will really enjoy exploring Skyrim at least. Do whatever you want.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:45 pm

Because of this....

When the game is specifically designed around using fast travel and quest markers it makes it exponentially worse for those who dont use them......whether they have a huge lack of info to go on regarding quests.....or if every quests takes you way across the world, and because the devs assume fast travel will be used, there is little in between....this was the case for me in fallout 3....very little in between that could make the run 10x more enjoyable. Idk might be because of morrowinds smaller size but it seemed much more packed with caves/dungeons and i enjoyed running around to the nearest silt strider/mage port/wherever i had to go....the landscape was also a huge plus to make me want to walk everywhere. Then later games, like i said above with fallout 3, everything looked the same, and felt like there was much less in between.

edit: like red said below, when the game is specificaly designed around people using a certain function....the dont like it dont use it argument has no place here.

The simple presence of fast travel does not correlate to the game being specifically designed around it, and all flaws associated with this.

It's like arguing that we shouldn't have trains, because if all traveling gets designed around trains, than it will be exponentially worse for those who use cars and bikes instead.

The "don't like it, don't use it," argument works as long as the reason why you don't want it, is because you want to walk somewhere real time, or simply challenge.

The only place where it doesn't work is if your problem with it is how the mechanic works, but since we have caravans, those people don't really argue anymore.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:28 am

What's the point with a carriage system if you've got fast travel? :spotted owl:
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Christine Pane
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:11 pm

What's the point with a carriage system if you've got fast travel? :spotted owl:

For al the people who whined about the lack of said Carriage system in Oblivion, now they can have their precious "Immershun"
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:18 am

Yes it is confirmed but i dont like fast travel u wont be able to explore the game.... i like walking to the cities

If you "like walking to the cities", why would you fast travel?

i.e, the game is all about doing what you like - I use Light Armor and Swords because I like them more than Heavy Armor and Maces. I don't use Destruction spells because I don't like them - well, I don't like the casting of them. Can't hit the broad side of a barn. Heh. Etc, etc, etc.

If you like to walk around and explore, why wouldn't you do it?

Personally, I loved fast travel in Oblivion and Fallout 3 - it greatly enabled my exploring, by reducing the amount of time I spent trudging around in old places (rather than walking around exploring new ones).


re: "A game designed around Fast Travel is bad for those of use who don't like it"

the only times I'd say you were "forced" to use Fast Travel in Oblivion were the small number of quests that sent you ping-ponging back and forth across the Empire for minor tasks - like a few of the Fighter's Guild quests.

But the rest of the time? And all the times you were just exploring and not questing? I don't see how anything was "designed around Fast Travel" or made it required.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:44 am

I had no problem playing Oblivion without using fast travel and never used it until I had about 100 hours in the game. I found no quests more difficult because I wasn't using it. The only difference I noted was having to travel the same road several times to complete a quest just as I had to do prior to their ever being fast travel. :shrug:

I intend to approach this game in much the same way, traveling by foot and/or carriage until I uncover the entire map and then using fast travel for the later parts of the game after I've explored plenty.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:08 am

What's the point with a carriage system if you've got fast travel? :spotted owl:

It presents a realistic approach to how people get around, and creates immersion.

Caravans in Skyrim are also implemented in such a way that you can travel to places, that you have not been to before.

As opposed to normal fast travel, where you are only able to travel to places which you have been to before.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:21 am

Flames and responses to the flames have been deleted.
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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:50 am

Yes it is confirmed but i dont like fast travel u wont be able to explore the game.... i like walking to the cities and getting some bandits or wolves along the way it is handy later game but begin game i wont use it because i really want to explore and i will run so hard if i see an dragon.

"u wont be able to explore the game....i like walking to the cities and getting some bandits or wolves along the way"

You are seriously acting like its being forced upon you. Try to grasp the fact that it is an optional thing. You dont EVER have to use it if you wanted to. Or if you want, you can use it ALL the time, even at the beginning of the game. Like someone once said, its a double ended sword. If you fast travel, you will save time, and money on supplies you would need to fend off foes on your way there, BUT you wont be able to discover things along the way and new locations, and gain experience points. But if you DONT fast travel, you might get to explore and discover things, but you would have to spend more money on things to help you face off Dragons you might encounter, you could even die. You see what im saying? Im really confused when people complain about fast travel. Its like complaining about cars. If you would rather walk everywhere you go, to the supermarket and stuff, just do it. Your not being forced to use cars. . .
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:12 am

It presents a realistic approach to how people get around, and creates immersion.

Caravans in Skyrim are also implemented in such a way that you can travel to places, that you have not been to before.

As opposed to normal fast travel, where you are only able to travel to places which you have been to before.

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:33 am

You dont need to use fast travel...
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:51 pm

Yes it is confirmed but i dont like fast travel u wont be able to explore the game.... i like walking to the cities and getting some bandits or wolves along the way it is handy later game but begin game i wont use it because i really want to explore and i will run so hard if i see an dragon.

I also enjoy traveling the long way, but fast travel is really convenient because people like me don't have all day to play video games. If I'm lucky, I'll get an hour or so, and it's usually not until night time that I actually get to drop everything and escape into a video game world; this is when fast travel can help me accomplish certain objectives much faster. Fast travel is also optional so you don't have to use it if you're so against it.

Im just saying to the people who use it that they will miss lots of nice stuff

And why should you even care about how other people play Skyrim?
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:59 am

no fast travel to the top of the throat of the world.........

just saying.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:18 pm

Im just saying to the people who use it that they will miss lots of nice stuff

Then thats on them, isnt it?
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:04 am

you dont keep up with current events do you? theres a carriage system and now you actually have to have been to the city before you can fast travel to it and if you hate the carriage system. walk! or run or maybe skip point is you can explore however you please!.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:39 pm

There's are forms of fast travel in the last 3 elder scrolls ( I never played the first one).

In Arena, fast travel was actually necessary if you wanted to travel between settlements.
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