Fast travel.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:14 am

If the game does not have fast travel, I will not play the game. Some of us have to work and cannot spend most of our gaming time walking around to multiple, far locations. Fast travel is key and the compromise of having to see a location first before being able to fast travel is perfect. I'll be beyond surprised is Skyrim does not have fast travel.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:09 am

Wait, you want to fix the awesome of just coming out of a huge mountain labyrinth with no potions and all your equipment is broken and then having to fight your way back to civilization with all your loot?

Haha, well it can be annoying but it can also be mightily epic. But my suggestion is so it remains mainstream accessible. And in hardcoe mode add sleep deprived, starving and dehydrated, with your strength dropping points every minute you have to keep dropping your prized loot just to keep moving.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 am

I agree with what a lot of other people have already said, fast-travel Morrowind style! However, I did love the levitation spell since it made everything so easy, but that's also the problem. The levitation spell made it too easy to travel and if it's gonna return for TES V I hope they make it much harder to use for an extended period of time (boots of constant levitation, shrine, etc.).
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 am

Yes it should be, I don't have the time to [censored] walk all over a gigantic game world. I have maybe an hour or two a day for games and walking everywhere would be a big waste of that time. I think it's ridiculous that people want it gone, just don't use it and if you can't do that then you are just weak willed. On the rare occasion I have the time to resolve not to fast travel to my destinations I manage to resist the temptation just fine.

If the game does not have fast travel, I will not play the game. Some of us have to work and cannot spend most of our gaming time walking around to multiple, far locations. Fast travel is key and the compromise of having to see a location first before being able to fast travel is perfect. I'll be beyond surprised is Skyrim does not have fast travel.

Haven't played Morrowind I presume? We aren't arguing about the possibility of being able to teleport anywhere, we mostly argue about the inability to use travel systems. Would it be so painful to use a mage guild teleporter to get from the Imperial City to Bruma? Or take a boat from Leyawiin to the Imperial City? Or carriage from Anvil to Skingrad? Plus, most quests weren't deep into wilderness, so you just have to walk a few minutes. Anyway, you couldn't fast travel to locations you never been to. We just want more immersion.

I say yes to an hardcoe mode.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:49 pm

Fast traveling no, but I could see a transportation system working.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

Mark/Recall needs to come back.

Mark & recall were useful. Those, combined with the Mages' Guild's teleportation system & the boat/silt-strider network worked great.

Basically, Morrowind's systems.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 am

If the game does not have fast travel, I will not play the game. Some of us have to work and cannot spend most of our gaming time walking around to multiple, far locations. Fast travel is key and the compromise of having to see a location first before being able to fast travel is perfect. I'll be beyond surprised is Skyrim does not have fast travel.

You clearly don't know what are you talking about.
The fast travel issue isn't about "walking around to multiple, far locations". If you're forced to do that, then it's bad design.

Plus, no one here is asking to force us to travel just by walking, we are asking for a fast travel which makes actually sense, like in Morrowind, instead of an instant all powerful teleport which simply took away any depth from the world and the game experience.

If you can't understand that, you are clearly part of the problem, cause you are promoting dumbing down in modern game industry.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:04 am

I'd rather not have it in the game. It makes everyone lazy.

"Dude, Christian you haven't beat the game yet?"

"Naw bro I don't use FT"

"Why not?"

"Because I actually play, and enjoy the game. I'm not in a rush to end it."

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james tait
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 pm

Morrowind-esque fast-travel. Boats and stuff.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:50 am

now that I think of it a bit more, perhaps fast travel, such as oblivion, should be a long term goal (perhaps main quest reward), so by the time you get it you'll already have traveled a lot and seen what the world has to offer.
because, let's face it, even in morrowind by that time most people would probably have extremely quick and efficient modes of transportation.
this would be combined with morrowind fast travel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

In my opinion, yes, it should come back. I want it just like Oblivion's and Fallout 3's systems. In Morrowind, my character's incredibly slow running speed combined with a lack of fast-travel and a lack of map markers for locations I had visited irritated me and discouraged exploration. While we're on that topic, I'd also like a map like Oblivion's and Fallout 3's. I hated Morrowind's, as it didn't mark every location that had an interior and didn't give icons to disinguish locations from one another.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 pm

Ok, how about have the fast travel system AND have a transportation system/systems?

Yes! Everyone can be happy with this solution. I would also like to point out in Daggerfall there was both. In Morrowind they took away fast travel from anywhere.
And in Oblivion they took away immersive forms of fast travel. Such as boats, carriages, etc. Maybe in Skyrim we'll have the best of both worlds. :thumbsup:
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 pm

I think the priority should be to make new and creative forms of transport, but if the fast travel remains and is optional I'm fine with that. Examples of new forms of transport could be Sleipnir/Hófvarpnir like flying horses, non-flying unicorns,large bat like creatures, dog sleds, Centaur companion, Goat (for the laughable new guy in town/secret satanic cultist mastermind), creatures alike but much smaller than the Midgard Serpent, Giant wolves,Golem companion (probably wouldn't make for very fast transport, but safe nontheless), domesticated bears, varying types of cool ships (on lakes/rivers), Wyverns and ultimately smaller dragons perhaps? Though of course obvious things like normal horses (both pony/domesticated/wild), chariots, and horse carriage services should be in.

Also, if we forget the lore of Nirn, a major part of the plot could have the antagonist walking over the rainbow ("Bifr?st") to some form of higher beings/on another level like with the portals in oblivion.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:42 pm

In my opinion, fast travel shouldn't be in Skyrim as it was in Oblivion.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:57 am

I love Morrowind's system its much more immersive and logical than warping to where you want all the time, I think it should be like that in Skyrim aswell.

If it will be like Oblivion/Fallout 3's fast travel then I'd just do what I did in Oblivion, I will limit myself to only fast travel from and to the big cities and non hostile locations near the roads :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:06 pm

The way Morrowind treated it was perfect. Call me an immersion [censored], but I like as many of the mechanics in games to be as 'ingame' as possible (why I like the pip-boy in Fallout). The in world methods of fast travel are amazing and add an element of reality to the fantastical world. It's another layer of immersion.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 pm

they can give you fast travel but they should also bring back transportation but make it so that you are able to ride in it the whole way and/or can skip to the location...but i also can see that Skyrim is much smaller and that would defeat the purpose...but with this new engine anything is possible
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm

I have deleted a number of posts, normally I would go through and edit as well but I don't have time. Just be thankful that things are busy otherwise some of you would have warnings and time out.

Back to a civil discussion on the fast travel system, if I am called back again I won't be so lenient.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:05 pm

Haven't played Morrowind I presume? We aren't arguing about the possibility of being able to teleport anywhere, we mostly argue about the inability to use travel systems. Would it be so painful to use a mage guild teleporter to get from the Imperial City to Bruma? Or take a boat from Leyawiin to the Imperial City? Or carriage from Anvil to Skingrad? Plus, most quests weren't deep into wilderness, so you just have to walk a few minutes. Anyway, you couldn't fast travel to locations you never been to. We just want more immersion.

Morrowind's style just wasn't that good, it was unrealistic and ridiculous.

Mage's guild teleportation in Daggerfall was a privilege of the upper crust of the guild, and now they're teleporting every dog jerking [censored] who walks through the door for ten or fifteen bucks? That was a terrible plan. Giant fleas and their owners take you overland any time you want for ten bucks? You couldn't feed an animal that size if you charged three hundred bucks a ride. Fishermen in small boats will row you up and down the coastline for fifteen bucks? That would take all day, and then they've got to row back. There's no way they aren't taking a huge loss over their fishing industry. Gondolas. The best idea yet of transport, but with the dock being thirty feet below the boardwalk and the city being small, it's faster to walk where you want in almost every case. Bad city design on that part. Intervention spells? Treating the blessings of the Gods as average [censored] spells that require no interest in religion at all? Real slick, Todd. Mark and Recall were fine, but I would prefer Anchor/Recall and Mark/Call as separate spells so you can teleport things to you. Not that the proplyon indexes were terrible or anything, but they were a pain to put together and they didn't take you anywhere useful.

What they should do is an overhaul that addresses many facets of the travel system, and the maps in general. Maps like look good in the game, and they aren't terribly time consuming to put out. Considering that, I say they make a ton of the maps and integrate them into the game world.

I'd firstly suggest that you'd have to buy all the maps you were going to use, as well as the compass. They had a wet compass in Redguard, so we know they can be items. Next, you'd need to buy the map or get the guide to the town if you wanted anything zoomed in. Buildings wouldn't have mini-maps or anything, they weren't tourist friendly. For more detailed maps of places outside the city, you'd have to talk up scouts and local mapmakers to get a map of the smaller piece of terrain, and to put landmarks and locations on there. As always, you can either pay for information about the area, or you can work for it with exploration.

Using the maps this way, you can also use them to fast travel. The map interface should be in this so you don't have to be in a menu to operate. The animation to bring those out looked alright too.

To fast travel with them, you'll need to be able to navagate the paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. The more you know, the better you'll be able to fast travel. The Outdoorsman skill will let you be better at dead reckoning and fast travel off the roads, while better Equestrianism skill will let you evade fast travel traps along the way.

When you get a quest from someone, they'll point to where it is on your most relevant map and you'll mark it. None of that quest marker business, so you can't mark people with it. Only locations.

As a standard, many maps need to be wrong, or just flat out lies. In this time, the boundaries are only somewhat agreed upon. Disputes over borders are still a common thing, and maps are one of the best ways to lay claim to something. Each noble would likely have his own type of map for his or her interests, and make their subjects see it their way. There shouldn't really be an official map of what is what in the world, and the overall map needs to look quite a bit like It shows the major cities, a couple major roads, and the basic outlines of topography, but it's a pretty sparse map.

Then, maps by membership. Chances are that they aren't going to map every wayshrine of Arkay on a merchant's travel map, so you'd have to talk to the right people. Find someone in the town who worships Arkay, and don't forget that the society is henotheistic. Believing in Mara doesn't mean you give a crap about Kynareth. Getting maps as rewards again will be a great thing.

Lastly, you can sell locations to people. If you find an unmarked trade route, you can sell that info to some bandits. If you find out where the Baron's summer getaway house is, you can tell his enemies, or for a lesser price the Thieves guild. The guild might resell the info to the Baron's enemies, and clean house once they're through with the place. You guys might remember in Daggerfall being able to choose how you finish quests by taking evidence to someone related to the quest for a different outcome. There was a time Helseth was having you deliver a message for him, but you could take it to Barenziah for her approval and reward. You'll also remember revealing the mine to the elf in Vivic city in Morrowind, and that he gave you a daedric weapon for it. That's the kind of deals you should be able to work out. It's up to you to find and sell what they might be interested in.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 am

A morrowind like fast travel system coupled with an Oblivion fast travel system which is tied to mounts, which then has a chance of random encounters. There. The perfect system.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:06 am

I would like it if near the beginning of the game we could find an enchanted map that had several places marked we could fast travel to and that would add places as we discovered them. This alone would make the map believable and be find to have such fast travel in my eyes. Then if someone did not want fast travel they would never have to pick that map up.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:48 am

Here's a great idea: why not just not use the fast travel mechanic at all and let people who want it use it? I really don't understand why this is such a sticking point for people.

Better yet, mod it out. It's not that hard to do.

Exactly, if you don't like it, don't use it. I personally love exploring open world games like this, but also fully support fast travel. Exploration is lots of fun generally, but when one small side quest has me traipsing throughout multiple cities in Cyrodiil (and soon Skyrim) I like having the option to skip walking that road between Leyawin and Bravil for the umpteenth time, thank you.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 am

I'd leave it the way it was in Oblivion but I wouldn't unlock all the cities right away as you would at least have to visit then once. Like Anvil shouldn't be unlocked at the beginning if you just got out of the sewer heck thats like having Vivic in Morrowind unlocked at the beginning when you dock at Seyda.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

I admittedly voted yes, this is simply because there are those times (we all know the ones) where riding across a continent just to make a delivery just doesn't sound like a very fun idea. I love to walk and ride around the world, exploring and hunting wild animals, but still, need to keep the option out there.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 pm

Oblivion's FT system made things too easy. It should be closer to Fallout 3, where you can only FT to a place you've discovered. IMO before using FT, you should walk to that spot or hire a silt strider.
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