Fast travel.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:51 am

The posts above explain it better than I can.

Fast Travel is inevitably lead to quests that have you running literally across the map a few times only because now the developers expect you to use it. These quests can be written just as fruitfully and rewarding if confined to a small space, making the gameworld seem bigger it would be with fast travel.

I don't know. I was sick of the boats and out of the way transportation in MW but the time I played for 200 hours. :shrug:

We will get what we get I guess.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

The posts above explain it better than I can.

Fast Travel is inevitably lead to quests that have you running literally across the map a few times only because now the developers expect you to use it. These quests can be written just as fruitfully and rewarding if confined to a small space, making the gameworld seem bigger it would be with fast travel.

Exactly, that's the Balmora effect at its finest. Balmora was teeming with life, yet you rarely had to travel a great distance to complete quests. This made the game feel big, even though Morrowind was on a relatively small island.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:48 am

I don't know. I was sick of the boats and out of the way transportation in MW but the time I played for 200 hours. :shrug:

We will get what we get I guess.

I don't see how the transportation is out of the way in morrowind. sure, sometimes you have to take two to get where you want, but more often than not, they will take you straight to where you want to go. The only time in morrowind where I found myself wanting to teleport was the fighter's guild sent me to that one island way up in the north a dozen times. I could handle the path the first two times I went up, because I could find different paths to get there, but when I hit the third time I was just stumbling through the same steps that I had before. Other than that, the hike was usually worth it.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:49 am

Death to those who mandate walking.
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Tyler F
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 pm

I don't see how the transportation is out of the way in morrowind. sure, sometimes you have to take two to get where you want, but more often than not, they will take you straight to where you want to go. The only time in morrowind where I found myself wanting to teleport was the fighter's guild sent me to that one island way up in the north a dozen times. I could handle the path the first two times I went up, because I could find different paths to get there, but when I hit the third time I was just stumbling through the same steps that I had before. Other than that, the hike was usually worth it.

You must have had a different stronghold than I did because just getting to my stronghold was a hassle. I used mark and recall for doing quests that went back and forth. So it was always travel by two boats and at least one stikstrider to get to my stronghold and then walk or levitate for ever.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:36 pm

If you want to walk/ride you do that or if you want to fast travel you to that too. No reason to remove either from the game.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:52 am

If Oblivion didn't have Fast Travel, I would have given up on it very quickly. So I think having it in Skyrim is a must for me. I'm not really sure why people get so uptight over it, given that you can simply ignore the feature entirely.

That being said, some quicker form of transportation to get around within the game (like horses, or some sort of transportation system) should be in as well.
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 am

You must have had a different stronghold than I did because just getting to my stronghold was a hassle. I used mark and recall for doing quests that went back and forth. So it was always travel by two boats and at least one stikstrider to get to my stronghold and then walk or levitate for ever.

Telvanni stronghold, eh?

I never knew you were a Telvanni kind of gal, Summer. :D
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 am

I just hope Skyrim does not take out the ridiculous acrobatics and speeds that were achievable in the earlier games, especially that of Morrowind's. With 100 acrobatics, and 300 strength, jumping around was a much more efficient means for travel.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 am

I say you should have fast travel, but it'll require that you actually have traveled (and therefore explored the most direct route) between where you are and where you're headed. And if you haven't, you can take a longer route if you've traveled it before.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:54 pm

Keep Oblivion's in my opinion if you don't like fast traveling ignore it or find a mod
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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:54 am

The reasonable way I see this being implemented is through a hardcoe mode, where you can only travel between set points via silt strider and teleports, or mark and recall.
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Erin S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 pm

I say you should have fast travel, but it'll require that you actually have traveled (and therefore explored the most direct route) between where you are and where you're headed. And if you haven't, you can take a longer route if you've traveled it before.

Well, one suggestion that's been floating around for years is this:

Fast travel can only be done between locations connected by roads. Anything else either needs traditional travel services, mage's guild teleporation (instant), magical teleportation (instant), or just plain old walking/riding.

This creates a system similar to Red Dead Redemption's, where accessible locations are able to be traveled to easily (with fast travel), but places that SHOULD feel difficult to access ARE difficult to access, because you have to go there yourself (or take a ride), and contend with everything in between.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 pm

Less fast travel, mor redheads please
id love to see a return to paying for travel on boats and rides and stuff
mabe they could throw in an easy difficulty which would have fast travel like in oblivion so causual players can enjoy it too?
i think that would be a fair compremise
and then there could be hardcoe mode like in NV that would require you to travel on foot or pay for rides
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:18 pm

I can see a sort of fast traveling system that looks a lot like oregon trail being implemented
I want to ford rivers!
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Janette Segura
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 am

I voted no, but in its place I would like a travel system like in morrowind or a teleportation system like in nehrim, as to provide a realistic means of travel and not force you to move over the same ground every time you want to go somewhere. Make it expensive too, as to encourage exploration at lower levels.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 pm

Levitation and boots of blinding speed for fast travel in skyrim!
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 pm

What about doing it Grand Theft Auto IV style? In GTA Niko called a cab, and for a price the cab took him where he wanted to go. If he wanted to get there right away (fast travel) the ride cost more. Now how exactly that would be implemented I don't know. Maybe a messenger pigeon could go get a horse and buggy and cart you around, I don't know. But basically make fast travel an option, but it costs you somehow...
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:12 pm

i have no idea why this is an issue...its an entirely optional thing in Oblivion...don't use if if you don't want to. And its not just '5 seconds' because it does take time into consideration depending on the distance.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:46 pm

they could always do It like they did in Daggerfall it was a great system don't remember it completely through if I recall you have to pay a tiny sum and there was a chance of random encounter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am

Levitation and boots of blinding speed for fast travel in skyrim!

This. Oh and remember propylon indexes? In the end, you could very effectively travel around. And hell, remember the dude falling from very high up near Seyda Neen? I made an identical spell as one to slow you down when landing. Awesome. See? Oblivion takes out all the fun of finding ways to travel even more efficiently.

Exactly, that's the Balmora effect at its finest. Balmora was teeming with life, yet you rarely had to travel a great distance to complete quests. This made the game feel big, even though Morrowind was on a relatively small island.

Exactly my thoughts. Not only Vvardenfell feels bigger, but more lively. I mean, most Oblivion cities feel dead if you don't join all factions.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

Here's an idea. I'd love it if the game included Morrowind-style transportation services AND an advanced form of Daggerfall's fast travel system. There'd be ways of getting around: walking and horse (both by marked routes) carriage services, alpine cable car, riverboats, coastal boats, and so on. You could use these services like in Morrowind, OR you could queue up fast travel. Fast travel would skip the details by doing the calculations for you. It'd even show a sort of "Google Maps" style directions showing you, if you care to know, exactly how your character is getting from point A to point B.

So say you've emerged from the dungeon and you just want to get back to the city the quest giver is in, without having to walk all the way to the nearest transport service. You'd fire up fast travel. The game would then calculate the most efficient route that minimized the amount of unguided walking (meaning it wouldn't necessarily be the fastest route, but would rather stick to main roads, documented travel services, etc.). Hit "GO" and it then does an Indiana Jones style quick narration over your trip, showing walking shoes over part of the map, carriage over another, alpine cable car over another, sudden jumps due to mages guild guide, bringing you out of this at the location you wanted to reach.

Note that I said the system would, so far as possible, stick to the beaten path. If you needed to get somewhere FAST (in game time, not real life time) by way of an unmarked shortcut, a dangerous pass, or some other "less traveled" route, you'd have to hoof it in-game. You could even fast-travel to the nearest point to the shortcut, but you'd have to travel the shortcut in real time. This way, while you could normally use fast-travel to get pretty much anywhere, you could still have the occasional quest that says "We need to get to town X in two days!" "We'd never make it in time!" "Ah, but I know a shortcut. It's... a little dangerous, but if we take that route, we can get there with time to spare." Let the journey itself be the adventure, from time to time.

As to those of you who wonder what the problem is because Oblivion's system was always optional, it isn't what's in the game, it's what's NOT in the game. We want to see travel services in the game. We want the option of talking to the ticket-booth, paying the fare, and taking a ride. The presence of fast travel is not, per se, the problem. It is the ABSENCE of the things fast-travel glosses over. The idea above preserves both functions.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 pm

Here's a great idea: why not just not use the fast travel mechanic at all and let people who want it use it? I really don't understand why this is such a sticking point for people.

Better yet, mod it out. It's not that hard to do.

Because Bethesda designs all their quests, enviornments, and gameplay to use Fast Travel. Playing Oblivion without Fast Travel is impossible unless you have the patience of a monk.

I'd like to see you try doing the Mage Guild starting quest without Fast Travel and not pull your hair out. Keep in mind that the rediculous requirement to visit all cities in the entire game is something done for a STARTING QUEST before you are even allowed in a guild. This is no biggie if you are fast travelling, but on foot it's a pain in the ass. Especailly since Bethesda's enviornment designs were very copy+paste generated (since why bother with detailed hand-made enviornments when all the gameplay is designed around skipping it).

In Morrowind walking everywhere was plausable because the pacing, gameplay design, and world design were all made to accomdate this and things felt very epic and natural. This wasn't the case in Oblivion. I'd gladly walk everywhere in Morrowind while I'd never think about doing it for Oblivion.

People in the pro-fast travel group fail to understand that choosing not to fast travel isn't really a realistic option when the game is designed around using the system it. Not fast traveling anywhere in Morrowind was fun and worked - in Oblivion it is very boring to play the game entirely in that manner. I would be COMPELTELY FINE with fast travel if it was feasable to play (and have fun) without it ala Morrowind and if the game wasn't entirely designed around only using it.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:47 am

Under the assumption that the game world will be around the size of Oblivions, emulate Morrowinds fast travel system to the letter. Hopefully that will be enough to reinvigorate the sense of exploration and danger in the world.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:22 pm

Morrowind had the perfect travel system. A system like that needs to return. Oblvion's travel system was stupid and designed for ADHD 10 year olds.
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