Fast travel.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 pm

I will be so incredibly pissed off if fast travel is back. It's just catering to the youth of today who need everything "now".

Bring back morrowind style travel with more options. Boats etc.. Maybe even have a horse drawn cart that travels the roads of Tamriel and you can hop on as it passes.

The game will feel so much bigger without it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm

I believe we can come to an agreement

Include fast travel, and if you don't want to use it....simply don't use it.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm

I think all the points are valid with the previous posts. I hope skyrim includes creative ways to get around without the need to click on a town to get there. Morrowind was great for that reason. Morrowind had stilt striders, propylon indexes, mark and recall, levitation, the mages guild, and magic items to help you travel faster. But many of these things had to be earned through exploring, leveling and bartering. It felt very rewarding when you discovered a quick way to travel. They could even make an achievement for not using fast travel if its incorporated. That, at least, would give players an incentive not to use it.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:55 am

I believe we can come to an agreement

Include fast travel, and if you don't want to use it....simply don't use it.

OK. Lets walk into weight watchers and leave a big chocolate cake on the table and start eating it infront of them. After all they don't have to eat it.

My compromise is such. hardcoe mode.

hardcoe mode will mean no quest markers and no fast travel among many other things.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 pm

If they develop a fast travel system that isn't "magical", that could be alright. I seem to remember hearing that Daggerfall had a Fast Travel system (although given the size of the game world it NEEDED fast travel), but it took into account certain things like the player potentially getting attacked along the way and such. A system similar to that might be nice, or that could even be a "hardcoe mode" thing like in New Vegas (although I'd rather see options like that presented modularly-for instance you could also turn the Fast Travel feature off completely if you wanted to).

If they were to have it I'd suggest presenting it the same way as Fallout 3 where you don't have access to any locations you haven't yet visited.

It would also be nice to see a return to the Morrowind-style system as well. I think the only major problem with getting around in Morrowind was that you were often given bad or not-too detailed directions to a particular location and there were no quest arrows (this could however be another feature that could be optionally disabled by the player) or map markers for each location. It would be cool if the player could perhaps label the map themselves instead of having it all be automatic, potentially reducing clutter on the map screen as well as meaning that locations that the developers might not think to mark (like the nine divines shrine-type things from Oblivion that you need to locate in order to start the KotN quest) can be marked by the player and they choose to only mark locations that they feel they'll want to return to later.

I think having a Mark/Recall system would be nice with a few changes such as only needing to purchase one spell to use both (one is useless without the other anyway) and being able to make multiple marks (with a limit, of course-perhaps even based on the player character's magical abilities). There could even be variations such as a temporary Mark spell or levels of Mark/Recall spells that allow you to travel greater distances, create more marks, etc.

Edit: It looks like someone else thought of a "hardcoe Mode". Again, I kind of like the concept but I think it would work better as a modular set of options if for instance the player doesn't want fast travel or quest arrows but doesn't want to deal with other "realism" concepts like needing to eat and drink or having ammo with weight, etc. Basically, a lot of people like to have realism in some areas but not in others, so clumping them all together into one "mode" would be unfair to a number of those people.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 pm

OK. Lets walk into weight watchers and leave a big chocolate cake on the table and start eating it infront of them. After all they don't have to eat it.

My compromise is such. hardcoe mode.

hardcoe mode will mean no quest markers and no fast travel among many other things.

I like this idea, i dont knwo about the quest markers theyd need to give us some directions at least im just worried about that cause usaly are characters just magicly know where to go
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KU Fint
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 am

Some fast travel would be good, like Morrowind.

Here's a great idea: why not just not use the fast travel mechanic at all and let people who want it use it? I really don't understand why this is such a sticking point for people.

Better yet, mod it out. It's not that hard to do.

Because the game locations are built around fast travel. You can't just not use fast travel in a game clearly designed for it without it being completely frustrating.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

I HATED Oblivion's fast travel, it was great for the casual gamer that will only play the game for a week or two but for the hardcoe player it was horrible. I loved Morrowind's system. I also would be perfectly happy with a hardcoe mode, but having magical teleporting abilities from anywhere is just horrible!
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

The ONLY fast travel should be ships, carriages, guild guides, etc.
ONLY things that make since, not just spontaneous traveling via the map.

Fast travel was one of the things that screwed Oblivion (I love Oblivion but Morrowind>>>infinite>>Oblivion) for me, if not the main thing.
And you cannot just decide not to use something that is there because you do not want to. Most people do not have that kind of self control.
If something is there that will help you get done quicker, even if it takes away from immersion, near 100% of people will use it. And if you disagree how many people do you think NEVER used fast travel in Oblivion?
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 pm

Fast travel really killed being a Mage. No mark and recall spells were probably a direct result of the fast travel system, what was the point. One of the best things about the old games was working out how you were going to get from point A to point B. To all the people who are like "just don't use it", Oblivion obviously was made with fast travel in mind and escorting someone without it was a [censored].


and if you have to have fast travel give us other travel options too so we can mod the fast travel out quickly.

hardcoe mode/option at the start was a very good idea.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:06 am

Id prefer an expanded version of Morrowind's travel system with plenty of options including but not limited to: boats, caravans, horses, magic, etc.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:28 pm

I wouldn't change it as I really don't wanna waste half an Hours worth of time traveling from one side of the map to the other just to get a Grand Soul Gem that I need to enchant my armor.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:40 pm

Please go back to a fast travel requires you to be next to something that enable fast travel, (such as a horse would let you fast travel or something)
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 pm

Haven't played Morrowind I presume? We aren't arguing about the possibility of being able to teleport anywhere, we mostly argue about the inability to use travel systems. Would it be so painful to use a mage guild teleporter to get from the Imperial City to Bruma? Or take a boat from Leyawiin to the Imperial City? Or carriage from Anvil to Skingrad? Plus, most quests weren't deep into wilderness, so you just have to walk a few minutes. Anyway, you couldn't fast travel to locations you never been to. We just want more immersion.

I say yes to an hardcoe mode.

I played Morrowind for two years straight actually and three years all together but I can't play it but very occasionally anymore for that very reason.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 am

I want it to ask you at the beginning if you want Oblivion style fast travel or Morrowind, just like FNV except this is for fast travel, and after that you can not change it. THis is still a bad thing though because I will feel like other people are leveling up and doing quests faster than me and will make me have less fun. NO FAST TRAVEL! ONLY MORROWIND STYLE!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:41 am

I voted no because it is an RPG game.
RPG games should not have things like 'Fast Traveling' in them, it ruins the game.

If you do use fast travel, your not a real RPG'er
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carrie roche
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 pm

I wouldn't change it as I really don't wanna waste half an Hours worth of time traveling from one side of the map to the other just to get a Grand Soul Gem that I need to enchant my armor.

Thats what RPG's are about :)
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Glu Glu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:39 am

Thats what RPG's are about :)

That is true but I don't wanna tire myself out traveling from city to city. I've tried it in Oblivion it gets old really fast traveling from the Imperial City to Bravil or Bruma. I mean I understand if someone wants to roleplay a character I'm all for that but I don't really like traveling from city to city by foot unless I absolutely have to or I'm trying to grind to get a particular skill up to say Journeyman in Armorer.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 am

Not going to read all 10 pages. I have said this before, and many people has as well. You don't have to use it. I love it because it gives me more time to play instead of just having "immersion" as some people call it. When I was working 40-60 hours a week, I didn't have much time to play. So I want to do a quest, I want to do the quest and finish it, by getting to where I have too, to complete it, instead of spending 1/2 hour walking back again. This I don't find fun. Walking just so it seems more "Immersive" when it's not.

I want more time playing and having fun. Walking to get somewhere where all it is walking is not fun. I love the fast travelling option. It gives me more time to play.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:46 pm

First off, lets explain how Morrowind's system works.
Basically, there were certain NPC's in villages and cities, that would allow you to talk to them, and pay a small fee to travel to any other travel nodes they were connected to, and you had discovered - minus key locations. From the node they took you to, you could go to new nodes and so on and so forth. No matter where you were, you didn't need to travel far to find a travel node, and also there were travel nodes in mages guilds, who could take you to any other mages guild you had discovered.

Essentially it broke one big 'go anywhere' click into smaller jumps, with a few minutes added on in travel times.

So it's essentially the same as fast travel, but kept immersion nicely as it was explained within the game world.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:57 pm

I voted no because it is an RPG game.
RPG games should not have things like 'Fast Traveling' in them, it ruins the game.

If you do use fast travel, your not a real RPG'er

I don't care. I'll still enjoy the game thought. If they take off fast travel,they should at least add teleport spells.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:13 pm

You don't have to use it.

I have no self control over things like this. That is why I play Oblivion on the 360. To stay away from cheats.

First off, lets explain how Morrowind's system works.
Basically, there were certain NPC's in villages and cities, that would allow you to talk to them, and pay a small fee to travel to any other travel nodes they were connected to, and you had discovered - minus key locations. From the node they took you to, you could go to new nodes and so on and so forth. No matter where you were, you didn't need to travel far to find a travel node, and also there were travel nodes in mages guilds, who could take you to any other mages guild you had discovered.

Essentially it broke one big 'go anywhere' click into smaller jumps, with a few minutes added on in travel times.

So it's essentially the same as fast travel, but kept immersion nicely as it was explained within the game world.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 pm

I don't care. I'll still enjoy the game thought. If they take off fast travel,they should at least add teleport spells.


That's what those of us yelling "No Oblivion fast-travel, Morrowind fast-travel!" are asking for. Various "carriage-like" means of hiring transport between some cities. Paying Mage's Guild Guides to teleport you to Mage's Guilds in other cities. The return of Divine Intervention, Mark, and Recall spells/scrolls.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:40 am

Fast Travel in Oblivion made the world feel a lot smaller to me, compared to the type of travel offered in Morrowind. So if anything, I would love to have an option of choosing between 'Full Fast Travel' (a la Oblivion insta-click) or 'Limited Fast Travel' (a la Morrowind with transporation services). This should make both camps happy :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

You clearly don't know what are you talking about.
The fast travel issue isn't about "walking around to multiple, far locations". If you're forced to do that, then it's bad design.

Plus, no one here is asking to force us to travel just by walking, we are asking for a fast travel which makes actually sense, like in Morrowind, instead of an instant all powerful teleport which simply took away any depth from the world and the game experience.

If you can't understand that, you are clearly part of the problem, cause you are promoting dumbing down in modern game industry.

I actually know what I'm talking about. I don't want to spend a lot of game time looking for mages to have me travel or walk to some station that has me travel. It's a waste of time. More importantly, Bethesda understands that the average gamer is 34 now, gaming time is limited, and that fast travel will be in the game. Lastly, not everyone likes the Morrowind style, compared to the Oblivion style. My guess is that a sample of oblivion and Morrowind players, not just on these forums, would choose the Oblivion way to travel.
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