» Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 pm
If they develop a fast travel system that isn't "magical", that could be alright. I seem to remember hearing that Daggerfall had a Fast Travel system (although given the size of the game world it NEEDED fast travel), but it took into account certain things like the player potentially getting attacked along the way and such. A system similar to that might be nice, or that could even be a "hardcoe mode" thing like in New Vegas (although I'd rather see options like that presented modularly-for instance you could also turn the Fast Travel feature off completely if you wanted to).
If they were to have it I'd suggest presenting it the same way as Fallout 3 where you don't have access to any locations you haven't yet visited.
It would also be nice to see a return to the Morrowind-style system as well. I think the only major problem with getting around in Morrowind was that you were often given bad or not-too detailed directions to a particular location and there were no quest arrows (this could however be another feature that could be optionally disabled by the player) or map markers for each location. It would be cool if the player could perhaps label the map themselves instead of having it all be automatic, potentially reducing clutter on the map screen as well as meaning that locations that the developers might not think to mark (like the nine divines shrine-type things from Oblivion that you need to locate in order to start the KotN quest) can be marked by the player and they choose to only mark locations that they feel they'll want to return to later.
I think having a Mark/Recall system would be nice with a few changes such as only needing to purchase one spell to use both (one is useless without the other anyway) and being able to make multiple marks (with a limit, of course-perhaps even based on the player character's magical abilities). There could even be variations such as a temporary Mark spell or levels of Mark/Recall spells that allow you to travel greater distances, create more marks, etc.
Edit: It looks like someone else thought of a "hardcoe Mode". Again, I kind of like the concept but I think it would work better as a modular set of options if for instance the player doesn't want fast travel or quest arrows but doesn't want to deal with other "realism" concepts like needing to eat and drink or having ammo with weight, etc. Basically, a lot of people like to have realism in some areas but not in others, so clumping them all together into one "mode" would be unfair to a number of those people.