Here's a great idea: why not just not use the fast travel mechanic at all and let people who want it use it? I really don't understand why this is such a sticking point for people.
Because fast travel isn't really optional if there's no other means of travelling fast. In Oblivion it was either fast travelling with the map to wherever, or walk everywhere. No Mages Guild teleporting, mark & recall, boat trips, etc. And I don't want to travel everywhere by foot (or by horse, which wasn't much faster).
So yeah I'd like to see the traveling services again.
Another thing about fast travel: It was done better in Fallout 3. In Oblivion you immediately had access to all major cities on the map, which means that if you point at any location on the map there's always a city nearby that you can conveniently fast travel to. It kinda ruined exploration. In Fallout 3, you also start in the middle of the map, but there are no fast travel markers all over the place. So you really have to explore places first.
The game would've played a bit differently if you could've fast travelled to Rivet City, Tenpenny Tower and similar places right from the beginning.
I have no doubt we'll get fast travel in Skyrim. So I hope that at least they look at how they did it in Fallout 3, and decide not to place any initial map markers.