Fast travel.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:57 am

I like fast travel because I don't always have twenty minutes to walk across the whole map in order to complete a quest. If you don't like fast travel, you don't have to use it. I like the idea of having fast travel, and Morrowind style travel is great, that way everyone would would be happy. After reading through this thread, I noticed some people wouldn't be happy unless it is removed completely. I have a question, why? It's not like anyone is forcing you to fast travel, why should they remove an optional feature that makes the game more accessible? I'm not saying that fast travel is a deal breaker for me, but I like having the option to use it if I want to finish a quest more quickly.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:41 am

Me: Morrowind style.
Wife: Gief Fast Travel, at least have it as a choice.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:14 pm

Just keep it optional like always.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

i would like to see many different types of transport, the return of silt striders,boats,,horses,horse and carriages ,maybe even a dragon or two,
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 am

I like fast travel because I don't always have twenty minutes to walk across the whole map in order to complete a quest. If you don't like fast travel, you don't have to use it. I like the idea of having fast travel, and Morrowind style travel is great, that way everyone would would be happy. After reading through this thread, I noticed some people wouldn't be happy unless it is removed completely. I have a question, why? It's not like anyone is forcing you to fast travel, why should they remove an optional feature that makes the game more accessible? I'm not saying that fast travel is a deal breaker for me, but I like having the option to use it if I want to finish a quest more quickly.

The fact that the option is available means that game design is built around it. Which means just like in Oblivion there was no reason to walk around because there was nothing of interest, as opposed to say Morrowind. "No one is forcing you to use it" is a terrible argument. Why not have the classic fast travel option which makes sense in game? (i.e. silt strider, boats etc)
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Yama Pi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 pm

PUT IT IN, and let the people who want to use it use it!!! WTF, PEOPLE?!?! It's not that hard to understand!!!
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Jason White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

Yes, there should be a fast travel - but not like the one in Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. Morrowinds system of transportservices works and feels much better, imo.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 pm

PUT IT IN, and let the people who want to use it use it!!! WTF, PEOPLE?!?! It's not that hard to understand!!!

Yeah, I agree you should at least have the option. I would like to have Fast Travel as well as in game transportation systems.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:26 pm

I kind of liked Daggerfalls form of fast travel >.>
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

Yes, there should be a fast travel - but not like the one in Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. Morrowinds system of transport services works and feels much better, imo.

Agreed. That system worked far better, and felt far more real than being able to jump around where ever you pleased. They found a way to incorporate the travel into the lore, which worked very well, though it'd interesting to see what creature/method they go with for implicating that method in skyrim.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 pm

PUT IT IN, and let the people who want to use it use it!!! WTF, PEOPLE?!?! It's not that hard to understand!!!

The principle problem with this suggestion is that there's a debate over intention/usage. If Bethesda intends on the Fast Travel system to be something integral to the game, then people who are unwilling to use it, are at an immediate disadvantage. Similarly, If Bethesda adds Fast Travel as a mere concession to the people who demand it, but the game play was designed to not have fast travel, then the game becomes broken for those who enjoy fast travel.

There are ways to make travel fast without necessarily relying on "Fast Travel."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 pm

+1 for morrowind style travel from me
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 am

Only in the form of boats, caravans, etc.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:00 pm

Morrowind's travel system with limited Oblivion fast travel. The limited fast travel would be only to the (eight?) major cities.

This would fix the problem of just coming out of a huge mountain labyrinth with no potions and all your equipment is broken and then having to fight your way back to civilization with all your loot.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

I voted yes but now that I think about it I'd rather have no. It would be way cooler if you can teleport from town to town with certain spells. ( which you don't just get right at the start ) And there will be other methods for traveling. Like horses well implemented this time. Boats/ships or even other animals. Would be way cooler IMO.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 am

I think that the elder scrolls 5 should have a system similar to this:

VERY LONG, Be warned, copied from one of my posts on another forum.
Traveling should be painstaking. You should have to work to be able to get money for horses, donkeys, and other riding animals. Riding animals should be much less durable, so if you want to be able to get around easily on a horse, you are out of luck.

In major cities, you will be able to get short distance transportation such as rickshas, rowboats, etc. At the edges of cities, you will be able to find large groups of caravans, wagons, etc. You can get transportation between the major cities from these groups. You can also sometimes get transportation between the minor cities and villages in this way. You will find fishermen, who for a certain price, will help you ford lakes and rivers. Transportation to nearby landmarks or important economic resources, such as from a town to the town mine, from Bruma to Cloud Ruler temple, etc. would be possible.

You will be able to buy any number of riding animals, but they will be more expensive, especially the odd ones. I hope to have horses, donkeys, elephants, giant versions of everyday animals (A giant chicken may be a reward from Sheogorath), domesticated monsters, strange creatures from far away, magical steeds, flying creatures, swimming creatures, as well as enchanted, normally inanimate objects. Note: Most of the creatures listed after elephants would be unique, and there would only be one or two of them in the game (to clarify, I don't mean only 1 or 2 magical items, I mean 1 or 2 magic carpets), but when they die, they will respawn after about a week at the place you got them. If they were gifts from Gods, they will not die, in fact a large number of these would not die. Inanimate objects would be extremely durable, but after a while, they would die.

The best way to get transportation would be with magic. In each of the major cities with mages guild, you will find teleportation mages similar to those found in Morrowind. They would however not be entirely neccessary. They could teach you teleportation spells. Teleportation spells would be extremely expensive, however they may prove to be useful. You would not need to be a member of one of the mage's guilds to get teleportation, though members recieve a very large discount on teleportation.

Another way to recieve cheap teleportation would be to reach a certain rank in the guild. At that rank, you would be given access to the Teleportation Matrix. The Teleportation Matrix would be an extremely large room in which you can walk through a teleportation door to another door. When you first arrive, not all of the doors are open, in fact, very few are. The mage in charge of the TM tells you that the doors have stopped running on the other side. He runs you through a tutorial of how to get them running again with a door that broke down in the TM. You have to gather a stabilizer crystal, supply jewels (gems, each with its own duration rate, diamond being the best, allowing portals to stay up indefinitely), and any missing teleportation gate stones (look like bricks). These teleporters do not take you to all of the places in the game, just to the main areas, hard to reach places, and some landmarks. For example, there is one found in the main hall of all of the mages guilds, one found at places related to the Mage's guild, One found in remote magical area, one found in remote magical places, etc. You can buy many of the tools needed to make a teleportation door from the TM master, but you cannot just set them up anywhere. You can set them up in clear zones designated by the game. (You have to find a specific rune on the ground near the place). The portal will then lead back to the TM. Certain player homes will feature their own TM, which can have a multitude of many, many more teleportation doors. If you gain the ability to use two TMs, you will be asked which you would like to teleport to when you use a door.

I already briefly went over this as well, but there would also be a way to make teleportation spells of your own. If you get enough of the teleporter mages to like you, they will tell you to go visit a man who lives out in the woods. You are told to look for a giant wizard's tower. When you arrive, you find a Teleportation door that is run by a black diamond in the doorway. The tower is made of Obsidian. You go through the door and you are in his main hall. You are molested by his guard, a 20 foot tall, iron golem when you arrive. The mage arrives soon afterward. He teaches you how to make your own teleportation spells, but warns you of the risks including permanent skill, attribute, physical changes. Well they are not really permanent, as they can be fixed with magic, but fixing them requires work. You either have to return to the place where you lost part of yourself (ie: an arm or a leg) or go to another dimension, fighting monsters, etc. to get a part of yourself back. Then you have to find a cabable mage willing to help put you back together, and you have to do so in a relatively short amount of time, or the effects really may become permanent. When you lose something, a pop-up will inform you. The likelihood of loosing a part of yourself depends on your mysticism, intelligence, and luck. 40% mysticism + 40% intelligence + 20% luck= teleportation skill. At anything lower than 25, you will always die when trying to teleport. At 25-50, the chance of dying changes from 100-30%. At 50-75, it changes to 30-5%, at 75-90 it changes to 5-1%. at 100, the 1% becomes 0. The chance of loosing something is twice the chance of dying. What you loose is randomly generated. List includes, but is not limited to-(leg, arm, finger, toe, finger, toenail, fingernail, flesh from a random place, a random organ, part of a random organ, stomach contents, an eye, an ear, certain prized genitals or something else. I think I may leave out the leg one, just because it would be really hard to play without a leg, and you would probably bleed to death, but it would be funny to watch... nevermind, when you loose a leg, either A- the mage from the tower appears, shakes his head and puts your leg back on, B- the same thing but with a mechanical leg, or C- you watch as your character bleeds to death on the ground from 3rd person view. A similar thing will happen with some of the other body parts such as organs. Bleeding on a lost arm can be stopped, but it can kill you. When you are bleeding, it would act like an extremely aggressive poison. If you fail to get your arm back, you can get a replacement mechanical or other type of arm from the mage. He can also give you upgrades to already lost body parts, but he makes you pay. Oh and I decided that he will make you pay him for every saved leg as well, except for the first one. If you fail to pay him immediately, he proceeds to use a spell that knocks you down, he uses a spell to remove the leg, and teleports out. You then bleed to death.

The mage can also teach you in many other types of magic, but requires pay. if you cannot pay, he has you work for him in his diamond mines far below his tower, not that he needs any help (he has a small army of mechanical workers working for him, Oh and if you try to steal anything, he will not hesitate to completely obliterate you. The diamond mine is not an option when he saves you.

Once you become a master (90-100) at all types of magic, excluding teleportation, he grants you permission to the top of his tower. And by top of his tower, I mean the other multitude of floors. at the very top he has an under construction enormous teleportation door. It is a door to what the mage believes is the land of the dwarves.

However, the door is not completed, and never will be until bethesda decides to make it so (can you say expansion?).

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

only by transport places like morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:26 pm

I don't mind if they throw it in, it's always been optional anyways.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 pm

Morrowind's travel system with limited Oblivion fast travel. The limited fast travel would be only to the (eight?) major cities.

This would fix the problem of just coming out of a huge mountain labyrinth with no potions and all your equipment is broken and then having to fight your way back to civilization with all your loot.

Wait, you want to fix the awesome of just coming out of a huge mountain labyrinth with no potions and all your equipment is broken and then having to fight your way back to civilization with all your loot?
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 am

There should definitely be fast travel, just make it an in game recognized system, kind of like morrowind, but more like Daggerfall!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:12 pm

Morrowind Style Travel
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:28 pm

Morrowind's system was just perfect, if you ask me. If anything TES V is the perfect game to reintroduce it, since Skyrim's environment could allow for some pretty interesting modes of transportation, such as ships that "skate" across the surface of frozen lakes using wind power. Or hell, how about snowboarding down a mountain using your shield like the Gauls did. :P

Snowboarding would be the best!
Great idea :P

Now hopefully someone would mod this since the developers most likely won't include that in the game xD
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:39 pm

Yes it should be, I don't have the time to [censored] walk all over a gigantic game world. I have maybe an hour or two a day for games and walking everywhere would be a big waste of that time. I think it's ridiculous that people want it gone, just don't use it and if you can't do that then you are just weak willed. On the rare occasion I have the time to resolve not to fast travel to my destinations I manage to resist the temptation just fine.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:40 am

Oh yeah. Fast travel was implemented into Arena and Daggerfall because of the immense distance between areas. It also took into account the length of the trip, and whether you were on horse back or not. Oblivion had no real excuse to include it. however, it helped many casual players get a little bit of the experience, so that's why I don't think it should be done away with, but instead be an option before you make your character that you CANNOT changed unless you make a new person. That way, you won't feel obliged to look at the bottom of the screen so much.

This. Try to think a real travel system for Daggerfall. Impossible, damn too big. And same thing with level scalling. It would have been way too much trouble, as well as highly inconsistent when progression your character, to make certain areas more dangerous. Basically, Bethesda looked at past game mechanics and put them out of context.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:09 pm

You have to keep in mind that the bulk of the players of TESV will be casual players, not hardcoe like pretty much everyone here.

So while its fine for us to demand Morrowind style travel and the large scale removal of fast travel (I'd like Morrowind style travel, personally), the average casual gamer isn't going to fancy the removal of fast travel. Anyway, I don't see why we can't have both systems of travel. Or even better, there could be a hardcoe mode where fast travel is disabled.
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