Fast traveled japhet's follys and I am now stuck there!

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:58 pm

I fast traveled to japhet's follys to grab stuff I might have missed and I am now stuck there because you don't allow me to fast travel back.... nor can I swim.... so I am now stuck there.... please help!!!!
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:56 am

Hmmmm.... no others had this problem or can at least verify there is a problem?

I would like to go grab the stuff I missed there but can not....
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:56 am

Hmmmm.... no others had this problem or can at least verify there is a problem?

I would like to go grab the stuff I missed there but can not....

This from a wiki...

Under no circumstances should you fast travel to Japhet's Folly by yourself and not following the Rise in the East quest. Japhet's Folly is it's own "world" in the game and once you are there you cannot fast travel or leave in any way other than ending the quest with Adelaisa, who wont be there if you fast travel there on your own. (After I beat the main quest and most of the factions I turned on all the map markers and was just messing around checking out random places I hadn't been and I lost 1.5 hours of gameplay because I had to boot up an old save after going to Japhet's Folly, you can't leave that damn place no matter what you do.)

Note: You can avoid being locked in Japhet's Folly by using the console command: coc QAsmoke to teleport to the developer's room. If you then use the command coc Riverwood, you will be teleported to the mainland.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:34 am

This from a wiki...

Under no circumstances should you fast travel to Japhet's Folly by yourself and not following the Rise in the East quest. Japhet's Folly is it's own "world" in the game and once you are there you cannot fast travel or leave in any way other than ending the quest with Adelaisa, who wont be there if you fast travel there on your own. (After I beat the main quest and most of the factions I turned on all the map markers and was just messing around checking out random places I hadn't been and I lost 1.5 hours of gameplay because I had to boot up an old save after going to Japhet's Folly, you can't leave that damn place no matter what you do.)

Note: You can avoid being locked in Japhet's Folly by using the console command: coc QAsmoke to teleport to the developer's room. If you then use the command coc Riverwood, you will be teleported to the mainland.

Thank you... for the response... Sat there for about 45 mins to 1 hour trying to figure out how to get back ... ended up resorting to an older save... on an X box 360 so no console cammands... :(

They should take out the fast travel to there if you can not leave there.... /sigh

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