» Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:30 am
Go to Edgars Discount Spells in the Market District and buy the basic spells and then keep casting them-Try to keep near a 9/10 full magicka bar because it seems to regenerate faster.Don`t increase any skill by more than 10 in any level because collectively increasing by 10,skills related to an attribute skill maxes the attribute bonuses to 5 and anything more is a waste-and will make the game harder.
I try to max Willpower 1st -alteration -faster spellcasting.I believe strength and intelligence slow levelling by making fights shorter,and hits fewer.
I often visit Abandoned Mine just outside Skingrad on the Anvil road to boost my armor skills-There`s lots of archers there who you can melee fight and can`t do much damage,but every hit boosts your skills fast-I can exit several levels higher on light armor/heavy armor,block and armorer.Hitting these guys with a weak weapon or hands also means fights last longer and boosts blade/blunt hand-to-hand skills fast.
Try to earn money fast so you can be trained every level-Alchemy brings money and Ayleid ruins-If you want to max other skills fast then Honditar and Northern Goods in Chorrol,Pinarus in Anvil,Gruiand in Cheydinhal chapel,Mandil in the IC,are good for some of the hardest skills Athletics,Mercantile,Marksman, Speechcraft and Lockpicking.
Visit Shady Sam outside the wall N of the W entrance to the IC to buy lockpicks at every opportunity.
Try to find as many flax seeds as possible (Skingrad) for faster spellcasting.
If you want to level fast,pick from alchemy,alteration,mysticism,illusion,conjuration,L/H armor,block for Major Skills-Best not to though because your character may become too weak.
-That`s the way I`ve maxed out the last few times anyway.