Your posts literally degrade to nothing more but crap flinging. Do yourself a favor, and just move on.
Your posts literally degrade to nothing more but crap flinging. Do yourself a favor, and just move on.
how about you do running for me and i stay and enjoy the game ? i live in canada there be like 2ft of snow everywere come nov 10th i don't wanna have run thru that its real pain.
for real thou as long scaleing is done better i like smaller power bumps at faster pace then large changes in power like fallout 3 skills/perks my 2 cents
I actually don't like this if it's true. Most people on here are saying that because there's no level cap, it's okay. But I actually find that as a con, because if there is no level cap, then I can get all of the perks faster than I should and pretty much remove the reason to specialize in anything, since you can eventually level everything, even you're SPECIAL, to the max rank and become essentially a jack of all trades, master of all. This pretty much removes the reason to specialize in any one thing that makes your character unique, instead you eventually become great at everything and you feel like a god. I would prefer if they made it so that you could perk up everything BUT your SPECIAL, thereby letting you have freedom in the way you play, but still feeling like you're better at one thing than the other. If they did this than I wouldn't mind it as much.
if they keep true to their new level up system for NPC, leveling faster doesnt really mean much if we get stronger and stronger enemies, we will see when it come out, but probably the level up faster to break the game we will need to grind, and since i dont really play that way im not worries much
my counter argument to this and for record i respect your point is are you personally gonna put in the time on thats single character to make him/her a god lvl pace is closer to to skyrim i played sneck character and i put in over 100hours highest i ever got on one character was lvl 42...
now i tend read things and explore so my play times are longer but needing over 270+ lvls to make godlike character seems like you play for long time before you come into problem that your suggesting
He still wants to play the game his way, he just wants it to be a little more lax on how fast he levels up. Just because he desires the game to have a longer time leveling-which will also let him enjoy the game a little bit longer-doesn't mean he should completely change his play style. You act as though when the developers add something to the game that he may not like, he has to cater to what they decide to do, and not even deposit his own 2 cents in the situation. He is the fan, the consumer, the guy who pays these people for the product. He should be able to voice his complaints and not get stupid comments like these pretty much telling him not to play the game the way he wants, and if he doesn't, he's SOL.
But, the main reason I even make new characters is because I maxed one out level wise, or finished the story, or feel that it's otherwise "complete" in a way. With no level cap and the game continuing after the story's over, (this I don't mind) it doesn't give me a good incentive to start a new one, other than to make tiny little decisions in the way I go about the game.
There are over 270 perks to choose from, and if leveling is happening about as fast as Skyrim then it will really slow down and the endgame will be designed around level 50 or so - which is less than a fifth of the entire perk chart. In Fallout 3 you'd get 20 out of 58 perks by the time you hit the level cap, or 30 out of 72 with Broken Steel; and in New Vegas you'd get 15 out of 88 perks (or 25 out of 117 with all DLC) - and that's not counting skill points, which you'll inevitably just start dumping into skills you don't care about.
That, and the perk chart is nonlinear, so every time you level up you have dozens of different choices to make, and you don't have to make them immediately; you could have a different experience with two characters even if they had the exact same SPECIAL spread, based on the order you take perks in.
I don't see what the big deal is. Just because you level faster doesn't mean you'll become a god faster - it's just a more granular progression system. Level 50 in Fallout 4 will probably be as powerful as level 20 in Fallout 3 - or maybe even less powerful.
Well, I'm not saying that's it's going to be that bad. I'm mainly talking about what could potentially happen if this sort of things did continue on one character for awhile. I reached the level cap for NV with all expansions eventually, and it didn't take TOO long to do, I don't think I even got through all the dlc's stories before I got there. Of course, we're dealing with 275 levels instead of just 80 or so, but of course, the leveling is going to be faster, but by how much idk.
i hope my post didn't come off as me saying its bad i just think that will take a very long time too become godlike like way more time than people think since gain xp like fallout 3 you have do some murdering too get above lvl 200+
If my character becomes to powerful, I get bored and usually start over. So I'm not a fan of quickly leveling.
If the vanilla leveling speed is to fast for my personal tastes, I will just have to wait a few months til I can mod it to my liking. Just like in Skyrim & FONV, I used mods to reduce xp gain by about 60%. We'll see how well the rubber-banding system works, hoping for the best (though somewhat skeptical due to Bethesda's bullet sponge methodology for raising difficulty in past games).
However, I'm well aware that the speed I like my character to grow is far from the norm, and really don't expect to be catered to in this respect. I'm just glad that Bethesda is mod friendly, and we can tune the game to our own liking.
Well, or to play a different playstyle. Just because you can keep leveling & get all the perks/skills, doesn't mean you have to. When you're "done" playing your Charismatic Thief Pistoleer, and don't want to go further with him, make a new character using a different mix of skills (along with different dialogue choices/etc).
I don't think I've ever capped out a character in any of the TES games. Fallout 3, I obviously did, because of it's level cap and relatively fast leveling.
Personally, in a system with many levels & points to earn/assign? I like the first few levels to be quick, so that you can establish the build/direction for the character. Then leveling slower & slower. Which sounds like what we're going to get.
I've seen a couple of you say that there are level requirements for perks. Does that mean if I have 8 endurance that I may not be able to select Carnivore as my first perk because it may have a level requirement of 10 or something??
Well, of course I still have incentives and am probably going to do it anyway, but it's just not as good of an incentive that the other games had, due to their level caps and more strict perk requirements. But I did max a character out in Oblivion and Skyrim before they added legendary which effectively removed level caps, but guess what! Skyrim was probably the worst offender of becoming a master of all things in the entire series. By level 60 or so physically nothing in the game could kill me unless I was extremely careless or screwing around.
"Not as slow as Fallout 3"
What ? I remember leveling INSANELY fast in 3 and in a lot of my playthroughs I reached the cap before even being close to the endgame. If they considered that slow then I'll probably have a maxed out character before even leaving Vault 111.
No, the first rank of each perk is always free as long as you have the required special, but each perk has many different ranks to it that do require levels.
I.E. I need ten endurance for toughness, I have ten endurance, so I can get the first rank. Then, it has another rank that increases it bonus or does something special, (no pun intended) so I need level 10 until I can get that rank, then it has 5 more ranks that scale and need more levels etc. And this is for every single perk.
Ahhhh, so I may get carnivore since I will have 8 endurance right off the bat, but it may not let me be a cannibal until like level 25 or something if thats one of the other ranks, correct?
That's the way FO3 and NV worked. The next level always takes more XP than the previous level.
God, this game has so many layers to it. <3
Hmm. Highest character I ever had in Skyrim was.... mid 50's? And that was with only a couple 100's in skills. I still ran into things that felt challenging. (I certainly never used skills that weren't part of the character concept, just to get more levels.)
Fallout 3, I was fine with the lv20 cap (Broken Steel's 30 is way too high). But they certainly could have increased the amount of XP needed for, say, levels 11-20.
Yeah mane, this game is really going to be something else. These people are pretty good at really making their games feel completely different fundamentally than their other iterations while still keeping the same base theme of the series, for better or for worse. (but normally for better)