Yeah, but you also really need to think about what to try and level up. If you had a good bow, had skill in archery, a good poison, and got a sneak critical you could one shot the best dragons like they were nothing, and if you didn't get a critical you'd have to wait a another 10 dreadful seconds while you finish it off and it's attacks bounce off you. The main issue is that there's so many ways to mash number together weather it's for offense or defense and the stacking on potions, enchantments, and other things could easily grant you over a 1000 damage on a single basic hit or deflect a 1000 damage from an enemy hit. Let alone your weapon grade and skill in the weapon or armor, and potions you have on that further increase your damage by amplifying it or something. In FO your stuck with the drugs that they gave you and put in the game, (which while helpful are not numerous or beneficial too much) the weapons don't get enchantments, and even the best armor would be shredded by a death claw. It always seems that in the ES you could always become an absolute beast, where as in FO you could always die to something stupid even at the best levels for numerous reasons, like weapon or armor degradation (which I talked about in my old post) or just the sheer stupidity of the quietness, speed, and power of a yao guai, death claw, or cazador. But this always keeps it fun and interesting for me.