Recently its been reported that we'll level up even faster than Fo3 & Skyrim. Not super excited about it,nor do I get the purpose. I know their is no level cap...but still. How do you guys feel about this?
Recently its been reported that we'll level up even faster than Fo3 & Skyrim. Not super excited about it,nor do I get the purpose. I know their is no level cap...but still. How do you guys feel about this?
That's terrible news for me at least, I much prefer leveling up slowly. It would be neat if you had options at the beginning of your game to reduce the Xp you achieve thus slowing down the leveling up process. I like an in-depth game, I'm in no hurry to finish.
It's normal if you consider that some perks have level requirement as high as level 49.
I think the logic behind leveling faster is that you get access to more perks while you're still at the start of the game, which allows you to shape your character into a certain build. (instead of having to wait 8 hours before you can use a Big gun correctly, for example)
I'm usually not a fan of having early levels just given to the player so freely, but it worked for Skyrim in most cases.
Actually the article on says this:
Levelling is experience point (XP) based like Fallout 3, not skill-based like Skyrim. But levelling speed is closer to Skyrim, and not as slow as Fallout 3.
So the speed is similar to how fast you leveled in Skyrim, which seemed like a pretty decent pace.
I'm more concerned with access to good equipment than levels.
I have no problem with more frequent leveling, provided that the player gets few enough points that he or she does not become an uber- warrior in short order.
Every Bethesda game I've played so far I've had to resort to using a mod to slow my leveling to something less than lightning fast. Unfortunately, it looks like Fallout 4 won't be any different.
Because leveling and the value of levels is totally different. Level 20 in Fallout 4 won't be as powerful as level 20 in Fallout 3.
Total of 311 levels. That's over 4.5 miillion XP (estimate)
^ this
There's always much panic about any one thing that's changed, but it's really about how the game works as a whole.
The only way this would be an issue is if there are too few levels. We know that is not the case.
We saw perks with requirements in the 40's, and the soft cap is my guess to be in the 60/70's.
Much like skyrim, faster levels aren't an when the game is designed around reaching much higher levels than previous installments. The end result is just more chances to character build.
Indeed, I read their quote as meaning it's slower than Skyrim and faster than Fallout 3, but closer in speed to Skyrim than to Fallout 3.
You can control rate of leveling to some extent by adjusting your Intelligence since it affects the number of Experience Points earned.
Quoting a poster on a Fallout 4 Reddit thread:
Now, I haven't checked his math, but let's assume he's correct. That means that at 4 hours a day, every day, it would take over 1 year 7 months to completely max out a character. And at 10 hours a day, it would take over 7 months. All of this assumes that you never re-start due to becoming bored with your character, wanting to try a new build, decide to load in some new mods that require a fresh new game to work right, etc.
I'm not worried AT ALL about the pace of leveling or the lack of a level cap. Now, if this person's math is wrong, please correct it for me so we can work off the correct formula and get accurate numbers. Otherwise, meh, that's WAY too long to play any one character to worry about leveling speed or maxing out a character.
Run away from everything. Don't gain XP. It's that simple.