» Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:03 am
Pete: We have to remove some of the attributes! Some members of our target market have trouble remembering more than 3 things.
Todd: I'm ok with that, I mean there are some that don't even contribute to our awesome combat. Besides, I have trouble remembering more than three things too.
Dev: We have a big a problem! Now all the interesting attributes have been removed ALL characters turn out exactly the same.
Todd: But they stay on par with the new levelling system?
Dev: Sure they do, there is very little left that the player can do to break the arms race, but we're still making a RPG right?
Todd: That's what it says on the box.
Dev: So, perhaps we need just a little variation? You know, some of the old fans may...
Todd: Old fans! Are there any left? Heh. What's wrong with the tree chopping mini-game? Wont that keep them happy?
Dev: Well, eh, no. At least I doubt it. There are those who still wish to create a character they can empathise with, not all of them want to play fighters and, I say with some certainty, not all of them want to play lumberjacks.
Todd: But I like the game as it is! Drat. Okay, what about those perk things that people liked in Fo? And I mean like in Fo3, you know how moody some people became with Fo:NV when they didn't get a nice, shiny perk every level?
Dev: Great idea! I'll get right to it.
Dev: So, how do you like the new perk system?
Todd: I hate it!
Dev: ...
Todd: Well, the perks are okay, nice and shiny and all but sometimes when I'm playing it's like 20 minutes, sometimes even longer, before I get a new one.
Pete: Twenty minutes without a reward. Our target market is not going to like this all.
Todd: I know! Let's give them two perks per level. Twice the shiny.
Pete: Err, you do realise that's still twenty minutes between rewards?
Todd: But the reward is twice as big, and... Ah, target market again?
Pete: Indeed.
Todd: ...
Pete: ...
Dev: Got it!
Todd and Pete: Yes?
Dev: Why not make the levelling twice as quick?
Todd: Brilliant!
Pete: But that would make the game only half as long. Unless.
All: We build in twice as many levels!!