Isn't that what strength and feather spells are for? If you can't handle carrying an item, don't carry it. Not getting extra loot only helps with your eceonomy, anyway.
Shut Up.
I have an idea! If you don't like a realistic, sensical way of fast travel, mod instant poofing in! It wont take long, even Morrowind had a fast travel mod.
Don't quote M'Aiq. He was just an NPC added to the game to insult past TES game fans.
The reason why fast travel can't be toggled, is because the quests would still be based around fast travel, and there would still be a bland scenery, due to not needing to see it. If Oblivion's fast travel isn't included, we'll get the decent world we like, and fast travel can be modded in. If we have Oblivion's fast travel, there would be no need to focus on quests not based on fast travel, or a decent scenery. Even if it's an option, this is how it would go, and you know it.
If you mod it in, however, you'll still be happy, and not have to walk ALL THE WAY OVER TO AN NPC!!

oo: to get from A to B. Whereas, if we have to mod fast travel out, we'll have to have the stupid quests on the other side of the world, and bland scenery.
For console users (why are you using them anyway?), a fast travel mod could be released as DLC.
This way, no one looses, and we're all happy. The way the instant poof fans suggest, is always in thier favour only, and always makes us comprimise.
There's also the spell system I've suggested a million times over. A recall level mysticism spell could be sold that allows the user to travel to any known location on the map. The spell would also be sold by most general merchants, in a decent supply for those who aren't magic users. Although, it would cost considerably more than taking the old fashioned route. How's that for helping everyone?