To fasttravel

Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:11 am

The oppinions are diverse and i am curious as to how many people would want fast travel and how many wouldn't. A simple answer is sufficient.
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His Bella
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Post » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:36 pm

Yes, but more in the form of MW instead of OB. FO3's system did have me explore though, as the towns and cities were not automatically marked, but all had to be found.
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:45 am

I think they really dropped the ball in oblivion allowing fast travel to absolutely anywhere you found on the map. I would say let there be towns or caravan points that you can take carriages or boats to, but not instant unexplained travelling. I mean, Mark and Recall were pretty sweet in Morrowind, so I can see keeping that.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:25 am


I won't use it but plenty of people will and will miss it if it isn't there. You simply can't add a major mechanic for your largest iteration and they strip it out when most of the people will expect it and be disappointed if it's missing. However I would like to see a much larger array of travel options which those who don't like fast-travel would presumably use.
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Erin S
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:08 am

Yes. Being forced to fight something every 100 feet while trying to get someplace gets old after awhile. Fast travel allows the option to skip that sort tedium and does carry the risk of droping you into a world of pain at the destination.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:01 am

"Limited" FT, yes. Unlimited FT, no, or else "optional, with alternatives". The poll question really doesn't do the subject justice.
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:14 pm

I'm not going to restate my entire opinion in this thread, but basically, limited FT (along the lines of Morrowind) would be fine with me.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:55 am

again with this?

fast travel is instant gratification. get to the action now. at least that's how Bethesda justified it.

taking the "long" way, in other words, walking or riding a horse, is so unbelievably fast due to the size of the world, i just can't understand what all of the fuss is about...

a 4 minute ride on horseback accross a continent? or inexplicable teleportation? neither one makes sense, but they're both perfectly functional in the game.

i say don't fuss with the FT system...focus on AI and the item catalogue...
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Karl harris
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:52 am

Of course there should. But there should be a Morrowind fast trael system. The question should have really been should there be an Oblivion Fast travel system...

Check my sig, I have suggestions about it there ^_^
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:15 am

Definitely Morrowind-level at the very least. But perhaps more options for manual travel, like horse-and-carriage, guar-and-wagon, or even bag-'n'-dragon. With wagons and such, I think it'd make for a good method of hoarding swag without carrying a silly amount on your person.

Oh! Here's an idea... You can't fast-travel normally, but you can once you board a vessel or ride a mount. Even on a personal horse, if you're on a path, you can fast-travel to any point along that path.

Even still, you could run into trouble along the way, and have to deal with it. Certain vehicles/mounts will lessen the chances that you actually do run into danger.
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:32 am

Why does this debate always come up, again and again and again? Anyway, I think Morrowind's system is universally preferable over Oblivion's in implementation, although it itself could do with some revisions. First off, it'd be neat if we had FO1/2 style random encounters (ideally within the game world and not instanced areas) in which your caravan/ship/Silt Strider could become intercepted by bandits, a pack of wild animals, et cetera. Your options are either to fight or high tail it to the nearest safe haven, leaving your colleagues to their doom. :evil:

Of course, I never saw Oblivion's fast travel system as some stupid "magic map that takes you wherever you want to go". It's really just a time lapse to simulate realtime travel on foot/horseback, with all the monotony cut out. I do agree however that being able to travel anywhere immediately was a bit much, and arriving without complications was also somewhat illogical. I wouldn't ask for a total return to Arena/Daggerfall's fast travel, simply because they were designed with larger worlds in mind and they'd be overdone in the more contained TES games we have now.

However, in the event that Bethesda does bring back this system of fast travel (hopefully with FO3's limitations, and side by side with Morrowind's service networks), I think it should be really dangerous. Your character could risk getting ambushed, ill, and the like, so it'd really only be for emergencies where getting to a town or travelling on foot is problematic. Again, I prefer to think of Oblivion's system as a fast-forward button on you travelling there yourself, and that in itself isn't too bad - but yes, it has to be made less forgiving.

Knowing Bethesda of course, it'll be one or the other - in which case I'd have to say Morrowind's system would be preferable.
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:33 am

Definitely should have fast travel, the only question is how it is implemented. I personally want more options to fast travel, in morrowind non mages didn't really have a lot of options, I'm jumping over Oblivion here because it was a solution to a problem but it wasn't the best solution.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:45 pm

yeah it need to return i don't want to travel back and fort on a dungeon that i leave loot on the floor because i was incumbent,so i say return to the Oblivion style but you cant use it if you haven't gone to the locations,
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Jake Easom
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:37 am

First off, it'd be neat if we had FO1/2 style random encounters (ideally within the game world and not instanced areas) in which your caravan/ship/Silt Strider could become intercepted by bandits, a pack of wild animals, et cetera. Your options are either to fight or high tail it to the nearest safe haven, leaving your colleagues to their doom. :evil:

I'd like this, but it shouldn't be constant. Perhaps a 1% chance? If it happened a lot, it's be more annoying than immersive...
(If you look at how often you use fast travel in Morrowind - that's a lot of being raided, actually)

Non-magic users have just as many options as mages, that's what scrolls and enchantments are for... My stealth character actually has no enchanted items or scrolls, or teleportation potions, and he still gets along fine. There's more than enough stilt stariders, and boats, and guild guides. I actually use a mod that makes non mage guild members not able to use guild guides... And my stealth character is STILL fine.

TES shouldn't just be about fighting enemies, there should more aspects to the game, getting to a dungeon and fighting shouldn't be pretty much all there is to the game.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:00 am

I can remember Baldur's gate. Every time when you transitioned into a new area you would have a chance of being "waylaid by bandits". That was nice but annoying at times too.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:20 am

So...just curious, how many threads a week do we have to have on this exact subject?
Anyway, as I've stated about 100 times in the last month in other threads, fast travel mainstreams the game and encourages you to not explore, while city to city travel via silt strider/some other form of instant travel encourages you to explore more.
So no, I'd rather not have "i wanna go here from anywhere instantly" travel in TES:V.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:27 am

Everyone can vote whether or not there should be some sort of fast travel in the new elder scrolls game. I made this topic so everyone could see the score between the opposing sides.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:09 am

I don't want the magical "wish yourself there" fast travel. I want logical fast travel (teleportation, public transportation). So I suppose my answer is yes for morrowind style fast travel.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:58 am

Morrowind style, definitely.
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:57 am

I'd like to apologize over my previous (and now deleted) post, EzDC. It wasn't directed at you or meant to insult you in any way, it was just me trying to say "I do not like fast travel" in a different way than the dozens of other times I've already said it. Sorry for any misunderstandings.
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:19 pm

The problem is, this poll asks for a straight "yes or no" answer to which MOST of the posters are giving a "qualified yes" or a "no, but...." response. The issue simply isn't a "yes or no" kind of thing, unless the question is more exact. I'm not entirely sure how to answer it, because it really doesn't define "fast travel".
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:32 am

I still cannot wrap my head around why people are so frickin' anol about OFT.

In terms of getting to cities and stuff, it basically removes the tedium of having to go through like five different transactions and three different services in order to get from one place to another, and it's not like the cost for it's actually meaningful - it's like 100-150 for a cross-country trip when you're fresh out of jail, which is frickin' peanuts after like 5 levels not even taking into account advancements in personality and mercantile.

In terms of getting to quest locations and whatnot, you STILL have to blaze the trail that goes there since all you get initially with a map marking is just the location; the only map markers that're free off the bat are for the seven cities and the various IC districts. And once you actually get to that location yourself, OFT basically goes "welp, you managed to get here on your own through the terrain and whatnot, and you'll probably be able to do it again, so I'll just remove the tedious crap like getting kamikazid by wild critters every 15 seconds and trudging through the ass-end of nowhere for 5-15 minutes".

All OFT does is remove tedious, effectless, pointless crap. Ability to travel to ruins and stuff aside, the only thing seperating it from Morrowind's fast travel system, which none of you apparently have a problem with, is that it tosses asides the flimsy facade and cuts out a bunch of middleman crap.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:24 pm

All OFT does is remove tedious, effectless, pointless crap. Ability to travel to ruins and stuff aside, the only thing seperating it from Morrowind's fast travel system, which none of you apparently have a problem with, is that it tosses asides the flimsy facade and cuts out a bunch of middleman crap.

That's your opinion. That's it. Just yours. Some others may agree, but that's your opinion.
Some people play the game for that VERY reason, to have to wade through monsters to get somewhere. It's called roleplaying. You should try it sometime.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:25 am

Of course there should be fast-travel. Every Elder Scrolls game has fast-travel. I like Morrowind's style of fast-travel more than the others(Daggerfall's was for far too large of a landmass, in my opinion, and Oblivion's made Oblivion feel small). However, if we do have Morrowind's style of fast-travel in future games(I hope we will), the player character's running speed either needs to be faster than it was in Morrowind or there needs to be mounts.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:01 am

Non-magic users have just as many options as mages, that's what scrolls and enchantments are for... My stealth character actually has no enchanted items or scrolls, or teleportation potions, and he still gets along fine. There's more than enough stilt stariders, and boats, and guild guides.

I disagree, with my magical based characters, I have a considerately more convenient method of getting around quickly, mark/recall, intervention spells, If I'm playing a pure non magic based character, my options are more limited (Scrolls and enchantments are still magic), this wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't because they also limited my options as a player, this means that it is more convenient for me as a player, to be a magic based character. I think this defeats the purpose of fast travel, to be convenient for the player.

I would love if you could fast travel with a mount, or simply choose to fast travel via walking, with a chance of encounters, kind of like Dragon age. This way it would be equally convenient for the player no matter the character.
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