We have also seen a lot of screenshots with no rain.
thus, rain cannot possibly be a weather effect in Skyrim.
Seriously? You just used this as a comparison?
Know what? I'll take your reply seriously.
1) Rain and weather are something that has always been in TES, it's confirmed that there is snow, so we can 100% assume that there is rain. Plus, we've seen rain... man... as a dragon shout. Which implies for something.
2) Fat people weren't present in past ES games. We can assume that they won't be in this one either.
3) We've seen LOAAAAADS of characters from Skyrim. Not even ONE fat guy/woman.
4) It's problematic creating fat people as you'd have to change the models of all armors and equipments and dimensions to adjust them to the fat character.
5) Logic... man. Logic.
I used the word confirmed because I'm reasonable. I have a mind of my own and I am logical. I only used it after we've seen all the presets, I didn't say that there aren't any fat people before that. If there were any, trust me, they'd show them. Because there weren't any in past ES games.