just been watching the footage on youtube for skyrim and am really excited about this game. But then I noticed one of the shouts is going to slow down time and the alarm bells went off. If you've ever played the original fable on xbox, you'll remember enjoying the game up until you learned this "time warp" spell. Then it was the "I win" button and game was so simple it was a joke. Take this shout out of the game and don't look back bethesda, I'm telling you right now it's going to be the "I win" button and mess up an otherwise stellar game. Some of you will say "well then just don't use it, you can use the other shouts and ignore it".... but can you. Each time you come to a super hard boss it's always going to be in the back of your mind. Take for instance the otherwise ruined forza 3, sure you didn't have to use the rewind time option if you went off the road, pffft sure, no one used that after racing hard for 10 minutes then went off the road did they! Bethesda, don't let your game slip quickly into mediocrity, take it out take it out take it out take it out!
Do you even read info given to us,or do you just look at pretty pictures and demos?.....Read things,you might learn something. :shakehead: