It makes canon make sense. They go east following an emergency order given by Richardson. Agian why would Eden give them an order to find an Enclave base with an active ZAXs super-computer? He would simply say "I am at these coordinates."
It may make a secondary quote, fully open to interpretation based on the authors wording make sense; but, it doesn't make the rest of your theory make sense. Nor does it entirely dis-prove mine, why does Richardson's Cabinet being in communication with Eden and Richardson's emergency directive have to be mutually exclusive, instead of fighting, ins't there a way to make
both make sense and complete the other; a thesis and antithesis if you will

. Couldn't the non-specific nature of the orders, yet the fact that their is only one possible location aparently, be an indication of something? Maybe something about having Eden as a machine not become public knowledge?
Agustus Sir being a scientist and not a constitutional lawyer is suede by Eden who is a super-computer filled with everything America. A thousand constitutional lawyers/scholars rolled into one. Augustus Sir Sees the logic in letting him be president.
You can't just
let someone be President, logical leadership has no place in it. Look at Richardson's Vice President.