Fav follower, spouse, steward & housecarl?

Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:40 pm


Follower: Marcurio

Spouse: Athis

Steward: Golldir

Housecarl: Rayya

Bard: Soni

Conjuration: Arniel

Kids: n/a


Follower: Stenvar

Spouse: unk

Steward: Erik the Slayer (he wont shut up; "are we going on an adventure," "are we going on an adventure," "are we going on an adventure," )

Housecarl: n/a

Bard: unk

Conjuration: Dremora Lord (weak)

Kids: I grew tired of them quick. I think you should have at least been allowed to foster them out to a happy home and get other kids. It's depressing that they never get older.

So what are your favorites or ones you can't stand?

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jadie kell
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Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:29 am


Follower: Marc, my beloved snotty gorgeous wizard who never shuts up (unless you marry him, made that mistake once and never again) :wub:

Second runner ups: Jenassa, Vilkas, Erik, Teldryn

Spouse: Vilkas and Brelyna

Steward: only built one HF home once, and then Marcurio was my steward, so I don't really have much to compare with. He did the job fine, I suppose. But he never went indoors, are stewards supposed to?

Housecarl: Argis and Jordis (I like Lydia better though since I began to mod her appearance... and since they changes her response to be more varied than "I'm sworn to carry your burdens")

Bard: Talsgar the Wanderer. I think he's an undercover spy with secret superpowers. :cool:

Conjuration: Dremora Lord/levelled Dremora from the Sanguine Rose. "I smell weakness!" :D

Children: I've only adopted Lucia and Samuel (on the same character), and they were rather fun and behaved like intended.


Follower: Aela (she bumps into me and annoys the hell out of me), Stenvar (stop whining about the cold goddammit, your a NORD for Pete's sake!), Belrand (another case where I actually liked him better since I modded him to look more like an amiable old man than the weird mismatched freak he originally looks like).

Spouse: No matter how much I love Marcurio, he must be the worst spouse. He looses all his witty random comments, and he has one of the most submissive spouse dialogues, that doesn't suit him AT ALL.

Steward: n/a

Housecarl: Iona of the LOUD VOICE.

Bard: Mikael. Creep.

Conjuration: Familiar. Why?

Children: Of the adoptable ones, I don't really have an opinion. Of ALL kids, probably any of Balgruuf's little brats.

Edit: Added conjurations, missed them the first time. Also added Teldryn, how could I forget about him? Edited "bard" to include all bards.

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James Hate
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Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:30 am

Follower, housecarl, steward, spouse?
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:17 am

Follower: Toss up between Marcurio and Erik. (Depends on my PC's build.)
Spouse: Erik (via console) or Vorstag. I also made the mistake of marrying Marcurio once and it definitely does not improve his dialogue so: never again--we'll just have to shack up in future!
Steward: Illia
Housecarl: Rayya
Bard: None: don't like them in my houses. In taverns, probably Lisette.
Conjuration: Dremora Lords--uber-strong ("weak"? what?!) and hilarious!
Kids: Lucia and Sofie. Very hard-to-resist combination!
Follower: Belrand: way too over-eager--always rushing into trouble and getting himself killed.
Spouse: I guess Marcurio, for the reasons above: he almost becomes lobotomized when you marry him.
Steward: Golldir: he has a snotty attitude.
Housecarl: Iona. Or: IONA!!!!! She's got no such thing as an "indoor voice." Ironic that she also voices Rayya, my favorite, but the devs obviously turned down the volume with her.
Bard: Karita. Way too boastful, considering her talent level.
Conjuration: probably Boneman or Mistman: both are way outclassed by stuff you can probably already conjure by the time you get to that point in DG.
Kids: n/a

(I don't have Dragonborn, so have no experience with NPCs added by that DLC.)

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Jessica Nash
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Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:10 am


Follower: Serana

Spouse: Sylgia, Jordis

Steward: Jordis, Vilkas or Lydia

Housecarl: Jordis, Gregor

Bard: no preference..

Conjuration: I don't do that..

Kids: Lucia and Sophie


Follower: All of them cause they die easy

Spouse: Mjoll, Uthgerd and that chick from riverwood. ( she invites sven and faendal frequently)

Steward: no preference

Housecarl: No preference..

Kids: no preference..

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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:47 pm

Follower: Alyson - A custom follower that I created.
Spouse: Bryling - She has a nice house in town and spends all day at the palace while I get to roam the wilds doing my thing.
Steward: I use Illia at a fortified Heljarchen Hall with walls and guards. It's my HQ and a place to store all of my loot.
Housecarl: Iona
Bard: Me - I use a mod.
Conjuration: Aetherial Staff - Dwarven Spider/Sphere
Kids: Sissel from Rorikstead and Sofie from Windhelm.

Follower: I stick exclusively to female followers so any of the males in the game.
Spouse: Viola Giordano - I've never married her and I honestly have no idea what the hell Beth were doing other than blatantly trolling. :stare:
Steward: Aela
Housecarl: Any of the males. I usually don't even bother to do the thane quests in those holds.
Bard: Mikael
Conjuration: Frost Atronach - Get in the way all the time and block doorways. :down:

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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:50 pm


Follower: Teldryn Sero

Spouse: Brelyna Maryon, Faralda (cc), Senna

Steward: Any mage except for the filthy cat J'Useless, any Dawnguard

Housecarl: Jordis

Bard: Lurbuk because he doesn't actually sing

Conjuration: Dremora Lord

Kids: Aventus and those two drug dealers that roam free in the Reach


Follower: Lydia, J'Zargo the Level 81 cat mage who knows SPARKS

Spouse: Mjoll the Annoyingness

Steward: Aela the She-Beast

Housecarl: Males, Lydia

Bard: Mikael/Sven must die

Conjuration: Familiar (lol Bretons)

Kids: Braith

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