I like killing the red guys with mah sword and hiking up mountains.
Sometimes, I kill my character in lots of different ways just for lolz.
Going into a Bandit camp and smiting those who are actually stupid enough to attack the guy/girl wearing disco ball armor and weapons and is famous for several different things.
My favorite Skyrim activity by far is Roleplaying.
I'd honestly like to see this as well. Sounds neat!
The fact that you got the mace to stand up like that is insanely impressive.
Hana's favourite activity is hacking her way through hordes of bandits and monsters with dual hatchets. She also quite enjoys drinking Sujamma, although it's nearly impossible to find it in Skyrim.
Decorating my homestead.
I kid, that's probably my least favourite thing to do.
My favourite activity would probably have to be exploration via flying.
I love going around to all the merchants in the city, trading and selling and buying stuff. I don't actually care about being rich though, because once you're rich there's no more economic challenge and it's basically like that aspect of the game dies until you start a new one.
I just love that feeling at the beginning of the game where you're totally broke and you have to scraqe by with whatever you can find, running around and selling random tankards and junk like in order to save up for a nice sword or a mage robe or whatever.
I could do nothing in the game but that and be totally happy. Just live like the traveling Khajit caravans. Ahh, the good life.
Well I just meant "trade" in the broader sense, as in the general act of buying/selling goods. I can see why my wording in that post was probably a little confusing.