Considering the Morrowind forum is still fairly active over 10 years after it's release, I'd say there's plenty of discussion left.
We have plenty to talk about, we are just having a dry spell, and yes look at morrowinds forum. Check and mate.
What do you think is more stupid, creating a thread you think "jumps the shark" or posting in that thread yourself, with nothing intelligent or constructive to say about the topic?
I know what my answer is.
OOhhhh Monk want some aloe vera fo dat burn?
jokes aside. If the content is dry and boring to you maybe step away from your keyboard until the next new exciting game comes out?
For my Dunmer Mage (from a strictly utilitarian view), the small lake near Ivarstead is great. It has many different spawn points for the different varieties of fishies, so my alchemy ingredients are always chock full of the fishes needed. By the time you finish one circuit around the lake, the spawn points are creating more fish again. It's like an alchemical Yule.
For view and vista purposes, any body of water in the Rift would have to be my favorite. The autumnal woods, the sunsets through the trees and the lakes and river snaking their way through it all... gorgeous.