Lake Illiana (Spelling???) the one in falkreath, planty off stuff in it's region
The bodies of water from the waterfalls of the Reach make for an excellent view.
The lake next to Riften. I usually just open the backdoor of Honeyside home and jump in the lake. Also there's fishing.
It's an Arthurian easter egg. It is relavively close to the lady stone, and has a sword being held... Lady of the lake anyone?
Yes, I know it's an easter egg. That's why I mentioned it.
From UESP:
Never really thought about it.
I'm a fan of the Sea of Ghosts. I really enjoy that whole area up north. I guess I'm the only one that loves the snowy wilds.
I don't know the names of all the lakes, but there's a few lakes and rivers I'm a fan of as well.
Lake Illinalta at evening. One of the best sights in Skyrim in my opinion.
Lake Ilinalta for me too. I think the view of Lake Ilinalta from the Guardian Stones is one of the most stunningly beautiful vistas in all of the Elder Scrolls games.
Sea of Ghosts is awesome, i love looking at it. especially near Dawnstar sanctuary.
Lake Honrich is nice as well, thats the one near Honeyside.
Thats Lake Honrich BTW:
Sea Of Ghosts:
Lake Ilinalta:
The bodies of water of the great waterfalls on the border of Rift near Darkwater Crossing.
The large waterfall and pool of water in nord ruin in Reach where the ghost teaches you speech after the jump.
Bodies of water in Deepwood vale.
At the risk of being boring, it's Lake Ilinalta for me too!
And with this thread ladies and gentlemen, the thread has "Jumped the shark". We now know that its time for the next game in the Elder Scrolls saga because we now have NOTHING to say or talk about anymore. Whats next? Favorite city entrance gates? Favorite room of all the Inns? Favorite ore? Maybe this thread was started as a goof, but really, its getting kinda sad now.