There are quite a few for me:
- Classic Disney and Bugs Bunny cartoons back before they were censored like crazy (ie. Huey, Dewey, and Louie being forced to smoke all the cigars when Donald catches them smoking).
- - While not a cartoon, I used to LOVE watching The Muppet Show after supper during the weekdays.
Good times.

We have the entire Muppet Show Time LIfe series and our wee ones love them
Pirates of the Dark Waters, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, The Adventure of the Galaxy Rangers and Freakazoid. Looking up the intros on youtube it's like magic.
Loved that one; that little computer thingy had great graphics for its time. Didn't know anyone else even saw that cartoon!
Looney Tunes
Tom and Jerry <3
Woody Woodpecker
Chilly Willy
Donald Duck
Chip and Dale
Captain Caveman
Pac Man
Get out of my head!!! : :wacko: Yep, that's my list alright :thumbsup:
When I was a kid:
Merrie Melodies (bugs Bunny and Crew)
Tom and Jerry
Johnny Quest ( I was fascinated with Hajji)
As an advlt with my friends
Ren and Stimpy. ( I still have their first editon comic book)
As an advlt with my kids:
Spiderman 90's version
Conan the Barbarian (an excellent cartoon)
Saturday mornings didn't have only cartoons, they had live action muppet puppet insanity.
I loved HR Puffinstuff, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, and Land of the Lost. Saturday NIghts brought us the Muppet Show. Good times, good times.
Batman Beyond
Xmen (90's version)
Spongebob Squarepants
The Grim Adventures of Bill and Mandy
Only saw the highlighted part and knew it was you

That kid of stuff jsut isn't around can't merchandise it :nope: Sunday's in our house brought the old 1940's TV shows: Lone Ranger, Bowery Boys, Superman, and Phil Silvers.