Auto Armor
Expanded Arsenal
Why I use...
Auto Armor
-Prevents one hit kills, especially from bows
-This is the only reason
Expanded Arsenal
-Have one long and one short range weapon
-Gives typhoon whole extra 500 round clip
-You get 4 jaw missiles.
--Almost no reloading time between missiles.
---Thats 4 jaw missiles people! That means 4 free kills for me, every time.
-More speed = more dodged bullets
-No fall damage = death from above hawk style SCREEEEEEE
Why I don't care...
-This is only one of five set ups I use. It just happens to be my favorite.
-I don't roll with a clan right now so I'll do what it takes to be a one man army.
-Oh its cheap? Cool, enjoy your loss. You'll leave the game all pissed off and I'll be smiling and happy. That's a better $60 investment on my part.
+3.60 K/D
+21.00 Win/Loss
Note: I don't doctor my stats at all and the win ratio is sure to go down eventually, also I try to not let keeping good stats keep me from playing around with different guns and perks. Farming stats is way to monotonous, I just do what ever is most entertaining.
Haters gonna hate