What's awesome and looks cool:
I have the Mace of Molag Bal on the weapon rack next to the mannequin that is sporting Mirak's Armor. On the other side is Mirak's Sword.
What's awesome and looks cool:
I have the Mace of Molag Bal on the weapon rack next to the mannequin that is sporting Mirak's Armor. On the other side is Mirak's Sword.
I was thinking of doing a second iteration of Miraak 2.0, the First and Last. Except this time, with a female Nord[with flesh, not Draugr ] How does Miraak's attire look on a female?
I know. I just wanted your professional opinion. I can see some nice curves in that shot. Do you have any other full shots of her in Miraak's complete gear by chance?
You make an old, demented, undead Dragon Priest of yore, feel so welcomed. Alduin bless thee.
I dont use any of them very often but the ones i find mose useful are:
Sanguine Rose - Being able to conjure a dremora on demand is pretty nice for any character who hasnt invested in conjuration. Similar in usefulness to atronach scrolls
Wabbajack - Is always fun. I had a short-lived illusionist (i called him the "Avatar of Insanity") that used the staff as his "offensive weapon". Actually worked pretty good, even with the more detrimental effects.
Azura's Star - When i make heavy use of enchanted weapons and staves, the star is always quite handy.
Oghma Infinium - do i even need to explain?
The rest of the daedric artifacts i find are either inferior to other, more easily attainable or craftable items, or are of little use for my play style. The spellbreaker in particular surprised me. The ward effect seems easily broken through by enemy mages, which causes instant stagger. Not good for a warrior!
I still stand by the Ebony Mail and Marked for Death.
Hit an enemy with MfD as he's rushing you, Ebony Mail's Poison kicks in on an already very weakened enemy... sometimes I don't even have to swing my sword.
Mehrunes Razor always been my Assassin Dagger. I always upgrade OP-like because I personally believe when you assassinate someone, you assassinate someone... You don't 'do damage' then watch them turn around and attack you... (When I do get caught, I switch to my normal weapons).
I normally give the Sanquine Rose to my follower.
Like I said. Give it to a follower... Two Dremora Lords + A Dremora Valkynaz = Molag Bal's fave thing to do to make vampires. (Trying not to say the word, lol).
I disagree a bit as it doesn't let me use Elemental Fury when using just Mehrunes Razor... Now if you have it in the other hand with another weapon... Ye'h, different that way.
Eh. I've bumped into a lot of fun and interesting quests. My opinion, ofc.
Tbh. I don't find those armors sixy... Though I do find Hide armor sixy on males, personally...