I voted Nocturnal. She doesn't seem cruel like some of the daedra I've met or seen (
Azura!) more on the sad side. Even in Daggerfall she doesn't yell, scream, or threaten you. She just gets sad and lonely (Unlike everyone else, except Peryite, (SP?) who takes it very, very well. He recognizes your just not ready for it unlike everyone else) Plus I feel bad for her since, it sounds like, none of her followers even remotely care about her.
My views on the other Daedra
:flamethrower: Azura-Petty and cruel. Definitely has the best publicity group though, :angel: only in Oblivion did I find her semi-likeable. Once I saw her actions in Morrowind and Oblivion hated her (She tells you to kill someone in Daggerfall because she doesn't like the person and throws a fit (With name calling!) if you refuse, she curses an entire race for the actions of three people,.and she pretty much uses the Nerevar Incarnate as a pwan to extract revenge on the Tribunal and Dunmer, which, apparently, causes the destruction of Morrowind) Pooor Dunmer/Chimer! (What she did! :flamed: )
Boethiah-Plotting and scheming? At least he's honest about it......
Clavicus Vile-He
ALWAYS gets the better deal. Always
Hermaeus Mora-Intelligent and I like him ok too. I prefer Nocturnal though
Hircine-He puts humans and creatures in a game where they are hunted down by werewolves and each other. Not to mention that if you reach the final chamber you have to fight him to be allowed to leave (And I'm guessing that the first time anyone succeeded with that was your character in Bloodmoon)
Jyggalag-Order? His place was boring, not orderly. You can have order in things without being boring and evil (One of the few, if not the only, daedra who I would describe as evil)
Malacath-Meh, don't really care one way or another
Mehrunes Dagon-Chaos and destruction isn't my style with TES (It is in other games thougH) but I do prefer to have Morrowind not being in ruins. (Thanks a lot Dagon, you helped Azura destroy it) Plus I think this when I think of him:

Mephala-You can never trust her, she's a neat character but I wouldn't want to talk with her longer then necessary :ninja:
Meridia-Seems nice enough, but then again, in Daggerfall she threatens you if you won't kill something for her and she
did help Umaril out in KOTN so.... (She needs more fleshing out)
Molag Bal-No, just no. Very cruel but also very interesting. So I would definitely keep my distance (I trust Azura more then him, and I don't trust Azura)
Namira-Like her ok too. Likes nature, hates things unnatural. At least she's honest about this stuff unlike some daedra (Do Ireally have to say who?

She could also use more fleshing out though)
Peryite-He seems pretty decent too and definbately cares about his followers. Close second! (He also needs more fleshing out!)
Sanguine-Eh, everythings a party to him while I take quite a few things seriously. We'd get really annoyed with each other really fast. :disco:
Sheogorath-Entertaining but psychotic, and not always in a good way! (He was probably feeling nice in Shivering Isles, which I love BTW!)
Vaermina-Nightmares, so no. (Needs more floeshing out as well IMO) :poke: