Favorite Dark Brotherhood member?

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:33 pm

Why does everyone keep saying that abandoning the tenets mattered? Sure as a DB fanatic I would follow them forever but "abandoning" as they supposedly did? How did they abandon them really? The tenets are 1: dont kill your brothers, 2: don't steal from your brothers, 3: Don't dishonor sithis, 4: don't reveal the DB's secrets, 5: don't refuse to carry out an order. How would refusing to do these matter? I didn't see them murdering each other or talking smack about sithis. I think that detail was added to prove to the players that Astrid would betray you (which I knew the moment I left the abandoned shack)

Consider that Astrid was the only one who broke the tenets as well. I just don't know how "abandoning the tenets" was originally supposed to be the DB's plan for survival
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:39 pm

I enjoy gaining Nazirs respect through completing all the side contracts, he's such a badman.

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carly mcdonough
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:04 pm

I loved the Dark brotherhood storyline & also go down that path no matter what. ..... but thats mainly because the award you get for killing them is about 1000 gold, ....yhoo whooo i can make more then that IN the dark brotherhood & get cool weapons & armor. but anyway. My favorite character is, .....even though by the way i like all of them expect one, but it'd have to be Cicero. i personally just loved his character. My least favorite, ........thats easy Arnbjorn. Oh my gosh! How do i hate this jerk. ( I could of said worse i'm keeping it clean. ) Every time he talks i'm always 5 seconds away from snapping going werewolf & showing him who hes talking to. He was the only one i wasn't sad to see die.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:35 am

Breaking from tradition. Other sanctuaries went idle, awaiting a listener. Astrid got proactive on the matter. That's how they survived, IMO.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:30 am

But the Listener is not mentioned in the Tenets. It is like a baseless set of info to make the player further lose respect for the DB but has no actual relevance. The tenets didn't prevent the sanctuary from finding new ways to get contracts. It seems the ONLY reason to do so (in-game) was so that Astrid could flaunt her undeserved power
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James Wilson
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:24 am

But I liked everyone in the Brotherhood though...I love the whole assassin family thing they had.

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Nany Smith
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:14 pm

Cicero is my favorite and the wolf pup is my least. As much as I disagree with how Astrid was running the DB, I think her background was written pretty well.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:12 pm

I hate how dumb Astrid can be if you let her. My current character is going to destroy the DB (not that she knows that yet, she's only just killed Grelod), but has spent a lot of time doing other things before speaking to Aventus. Enough time that Astrid has sent eight assassins to kill her. (The letters they carry are her trophies / proof.) Now sometime in the near future, Astrid is going to kidnap her. :facepalm:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:06 am

I disliked most of the Dark Brotherhood crew. They were an arrogant, unprofessional bunch of misfits (intentionally by the devs?). I especially disliked Babette as she was a smug, obnoxious little gob[censored]e with an annoying voice.

Cicero was annoying until I read his journals and then I saw how loyal he was to the true cause. Probably my favourite Dark Brotherhood character. I also thought Astrid and her husband were quite well written.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:16 am

This. He's not an assassin, he's a dangerously unhinged lunatic! It's a miracle he hasn't been caught or, worse, inadvertently betrayed the Sanctuary by being followed back there after one of his spectacularly unsubtle killings. Plus, what he said about his wife really rubbed me the wrong way. The DB are supposed to be cold-blooded, efficient, business-like killers, and the episode with his wife is just another illustration that he's about the furthest thing from that. And yes, I got the tree-hugger reference, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

I liked Gabriella and Veezara best: they're welcoming without being obsequious, offer helpful and well-considered advice, and demonstrate attention to detail and appropriately subtle methods. I like Babette, too, but her voice annoys me.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:17 pm

How Cicero became least favorite I will never know. He was my most favorite then Gabriella but idk why then babbette. Least favorite werewolf guy;) then astrid. Then the Argonian.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:47 pm

Lmao yea

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:47 am

I like Festus Krex, since I remember that voice actor playing "Tigger" in some of the earliest interactive games I played. It brings back nostalgia - and it is much funnier hearing him talk about how he was "Born with a wand in my hand....well, not literally. You can see how that would have been painful for mother."

I hate Astrid, but she was written well, so I can't exactly hate on Astrid for my favorite/least favorite. My least favorite would have to be Gabriella, since she was forgettable. I felt no connection to her - at least Veezara was a throwback to the Shadowscales. Arnbjorn reminded me of the orc in the Cheydinal sanctuary.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:10 pm

Cicero is my fave, even though I get the sense most people find him annoying. I like him because he's got much more personality than anybody else, not just in the DB, but in the entire game. I love listening to him rambling on and on to himself. :talk: My vampire character (in my profile pic) actually has taken time off from adventuring just to sit and hang in Cicero's room. There are also about a half-dozen journals written by Cicero (I think) detailing the end of the DB in Cyrodiil.

I don't really have a least fave, and unfortunately in the poll there is no option for this, so I voted for Astrid, only because she seems just a tad snotty.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:39 pm

It's interesting that Astrid and Cicero are both among the most liked and the least liked...

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:02 am


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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:20 pm

Nazir is really cool. The least psychotic of the lot.

[censored] Astrid. Hate her. Everyone else pretty much svcks too. Babette is okay. Festus has some good lines.

I usually kill them all now though. I don't like them anymore.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:31 pm

Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case I didn't actually say that I liked her. What I said was: I thought the character was intriguing. I think Astrid is one of the most interesting characters Bethesda has written. Her character and her story are full of tantalizing ambiguities. I find that fascinating. Bethesda doesn't usually write characters with that kind of depth. To a lesser extent, I could say the same about several other Skyrim characters, including Cicero. It is my opinion that Bethesda improved in the writing of characters.

But did I like her? No, I can't say that I did.

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Cody Banks
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:50 pm

Favorite Dark Brotherhood member?


Me. :devil:

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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:43 pm

I liked Gabriella. She had this super mysterious presence about her that I liked. Would LOVE to have been able to marry her.

My least favorite is Arnbjorn. Dude was completely p-whipped by Astrid. That, and he's supposed to be some bada$$ werewolf blacksmith representing the Dark Brotherhood and he gets his a$$ handed to him by a little clown.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:53 pm


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