Figured i should make another one for the DB members.
Figured i should make another one for the DB members.
Astrid for most favourite; she's just a stellar character. Babette would be second.
Least favourite? Cicero. Uugh.
Favorite is Babette. That is saying a lot as I absolute despise all the children in the game.
Least favorite. The rest of the lot. Namely Astrid, Cicero and Three Dog. However, Tri Pup keeps me form ever playing that questline again. Well, and Astrid.
.. and Cicero.
But...but.. Astrid is a very well written character ..
Are you kidding? She is a disgrace to the representation of what the DB is. Granted I went into it with previous knowledge of the DB and I was pissed off the entire questline. It was disgusting.
That was one of the best questlines in Morrowind and in Oblivion. I was truly saddened by the whole story.
Where as I on the other hand greeted the change. The "Hail Sithis" brand of Dark Brotherhood can perish from mundus for all I care! Inferior assassins in light of the glorious Morag Tong.
Well i dunno, i thought she was very well written and had a deep interesting personality. i didn't like how she led the DB, but hey she managed to keep them in line without the tenets. thats something i guess.
You can't have the DB without the Tenants. There was nothing deep and interesting about her character. She was the leader of a group of thugs that had no clue what the Hell they were doing. They were all fake and it was painful to listen to any of them... aside form Babette.
And Festus Krex who also disagrees with the way the DB is now. He welcomes Cicero and the Nightmother. He is also one of my favorites. I find his dialogue hilarious. Trying new spells out, turning his victims inside out. Also find it funny how he talks with Babette like she is some little child even though is much more older than he is.
Arnbjorn is definitely my least favorite of all of them. He is just a bland werewolf who doesnt like you very much. There is nothing more about him.
And I have no problems with Cicero to be honest. He is constantly around the dead body of a woman and takes care of it. Its only logical than he cant be completely fine in his head. Besides his behavior is perfect for an assassin. Nobody would ever expect that he is a killer.
Veezara is my favourite, he is an effin' Shadowscale!
My least favourite is Astrid, I don't know why, I just don't like her.
Then again, I usually end up killing them all.
I am incline to agree. He is one of the good ones. I just wished he....
But... noooo.
By the eight. I need a drink.
Astrid is favorite but that's only because of her voice. For character personalities, Nazir is my favorite. Babette is least favorite since I hate Skyrim "children".
Not following DB's tenets doesn't make Astrid a badly written character. I think she was very well done.
Yes it does. She is a fake, with no core connection to what the DB is. The fact that they wrote it that way makes it bad. When you actually dread having to interact with a character makes it bad writing.
It wasn't nonsensical in the slightest.
But that's the whole point in Astrid. She's meant to be a character that the player disconnects with because she betrays the Brotherhood's ideals.
I can understand the intent, but it is a bad way to portray the questline. The actress done a fine job, and there are characters that often play the "bad guy" role that we love to hate. Sadly, this is not one of those cases. Great actors can capture a character, but if it's a bad story, then they sink with the ship.
Still, they could have made her role a lot better. By that I mean... create some type of bond with the PC. She is married to a sweaty dog that runs around barefoot, so the hope of an intimate relationship is shot down form the entrance. Then the story crescendos more of a distance between her and the player character.
If she was written to be more of a misguided and misunderstood character that comes to respect and value the Nightmother and possibly a love interest, then it would be well written. As it stands, you have a great actress in a bad role.
Doesnt change the fact that her betrayal made it possible that everyone could get killed. She made the deal after all. She is responsible for the consequences.
After thinking about it I must say that this whole part isnt as badly written as I think. The DB is a like a family. That gets mentioned multiple times in Skyrim and Oblivion. You could argue that the betrayal of Astrid showed the importance of the Five Tenets. She failed to follow and honor them, she failed to take care of her family and therefore paid the price for it and the old ways got restored at the end so that the Dark Brotherhood is finally the Dark Brotherhood again.
I see no Lucien Lachance.
Otherwise I like Veezara.
I read that 5 times... very slowly, and I still have no idea what that is saying.
Not true. They lived in a cave, and paid no rent.
I didn't mind the DB quest line at all. I already had a feeling another "twist" was coming, so it wasn't as though it were a surprise. Things can change in 200 years, so it was surprising to see the DB was still around (while the Blades, the larger assassins, were pretty much gone), marginally since it had dispatched from the original faction.
Cicero was the most irritating character. Not because of the voice or the getup, but he couldn't accept the simple truth. So while Astrid's having a mental breakdown, Cicero one-up's her and starts playing Slash-A-Bro and runs to another rent-free area.
After it was all said and done, the main character was, once again, head of the faction, ignoring all those who've served faithfully while I was out getting myself arrested.
Seriously, Bethesda, I wish you'd stop writing us as taking over just because we did a few fetch quests.
It makes all the faction quests disappointing, because it breaks the immersion.
Oh, look! If I fetch a pail of water, I can be a bard!
Oh, look! If I fetch a book for Jarl, I can be a high ranking official!
Oh, look! If I fetch some moon sugar, I can sit at a table and tell two leaders of warring factions what to do!