Favorite DLC Entrance

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:50 pm

Fallout 3 and Fallout NV have both presented us with Beautiful DLC. My question is not what DLC is your favorite, but what DLC had your favorite entrance.

When i say entrance exclude the DLC begging background thing that New Vegas DLC have, and look at how you get transported to that DLC.

In Operation Anchorage for instance, you go into a virtual reality machine, transporting you to the main part of the DLC.

Or how in Dead Money you get gassed as you walk towards the radio.

However the game transported you to the main part of the DLC, choose your favorite one.

This is both a friendly poll, and a poll to help Obsidian and Bethesda with entrances to there DLC's.

Do not select one just because it was your favorite, select the one entrance to DLC that made you the most excited, or whatever.
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:41 am

While I loved Mothership Zeta, it made me go "WTF?!?!? This is gonna be a hell of a fight!" It Didn't feel right getting proped so Operation Achoarge (God I can't spell) entrance was awesome with the snow and the view it was made of win and it being Covert Op made it so much better. Also Honest Hearts Caravan Ambush made me Lol when Ricky died, I was glad stupid junkie made me give him twenty hits of physco just to carry an Extra 50 pounds. I got mad after they died. But it was worth it to meet Joshua Graham. (He is my Favorite Fallout character) That's why I picked those.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:05 am

Shivering Isles. Not fallout, but bethesda-made and that intro was bloody mindblowing. Just beautifully done.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:51 am

Point Lookout. The music as you slowly sail into a foreign land, the sight of new architecture and a massive swamp for you to explore.

Hmm... am I talking about the game I think im talking about?

Honest Hearts opening made me shout, "RAMIREZ, FIGHT THE AMBUSH!" For some reason.

I liked how Dead Money's was a surprise. Your just walking, someone cuts the cheese, then you wake up in a beautiful looking town with Saruman asking you to help him enter the tomb of the one ring.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:50 am

Point Lookout. The music as you slowly sail into a foreign land, the sight of new architecture and a massive swamp for you to explore.

Hmm... am I talking about the game I think im talking about?

Honest Hearts opening made me shout, "RAMIREZ, FIGHT THE AMBUSH!" For some reason.

I liked how Dead Money's was a surprise. Your just walking, someone cuts the cheese, then you wake up in a beautiful looking town with Saruman asking you to help him enter the tomb of the one ring.

Your such a nerd, but i couldn't help laughing at that.

I liked the entrance to Mother ship Zeta because it was out of this world... really it was. Plus i loved how you tricked the aliens so you could break out of your chamber.

So far i have liked Honest Hearts entrance the best. First you have to prepare for the long trip on the caravan, then when you finally go and your almost there all of a sudden you see movement and then boom someone in the caravans head blows off. It was pretty sad...

Tho if i had to re pic, i do think point lookout's entrance was pretty cool, being able to see the creepy swamps that lay ahead. Plus it was the first giant new map we had in a DLC. I like things that are Giant and Huge, and if there Hard... well thats even better. Point Lookout satisfied all my needs.

Stop thinking so sixual, get your mind out of the gutter... as a wise manish robot once told me and still has yet to tell me...

"Get Your Brain Back"
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Stephanie I
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:17 pm

I believe i may know how OWB starts... If you watch the trailer, it seems as if it starts with you on an operating table, they are probably removing your brain. So i think this might be a new favorite amongst people for an entrance. It seems to be one of those Fallout Cut scenes... if you can call them that.

The saw blades and a robot is talking to you, about how it will hurt for only... a decade. We will have to see, and i go on vacation tomorrow so i won't know until next Monday probably. When i get back i will be sure to update this thread and add OWB to the list. Keep it alive, and when all DLC's are out we will have the final showdown for what DLC entrance is best... plus i will add a new question, What DLC did you like best out of all 9?
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Penny Flame
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:49 pm

i go on vacation tomorrow so i won't know until next Monday probably.

Same here but i return on friday but i need to wait for it during vacation
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:56 pm

Shivering Isles. Not fallout, but bethesda-made and that intro was bloody mindblowing. Just beautifully done.

I second this. The entrance to the Shivering Isles was breathtaking!
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