Who is it? Who's your favorite Dragon Priest, and why?
As you can see by my name, my favorite is obviously Zahkriisos.
Who is it? Who's your favorite Dragon Priest, and why?
As you can see by my name, my favorite is obviously Zahkriisos.
Which ever one has the best mask to make for a trophy.
BTW, if you do not understand why we are saying this, you will soon.........
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Was there ever a good dragon priest?
I'd say azhidal, but i don't know much about them to say for sure. All i know is that he helped slaughter the elves.
Volsung. Loved the +20% Barter and Waterbreathing.
Traitorous Zahkriisos! You show your face around these parts? Do you think your sins can be so easily forgotten? Did you think the loyal priests of Alduin would so easily perish? Did you think that I, wise and brutal Hevnoraak would forgive? Like the Bloody Sword you are named for, your blasphemy will bleed along the tip of my holy dagger. Your treachery grinded down by Alduin's bloody teeth.
Tell me Zahkriisos, how has your new Lord fared? Is the Daedroth of forbidden lore all you've dreamt of? What of Dukaan? Is he still a part of your rogue group? Or has he - forever in dishonor - frozen in shame in the coldest of tombs? And what of treacherous Miraak whose name should yield to me shame for even uttering it. Is he still the guide whom you believed in so long ago? How has his goal of dethroning his father gone for your group?
And once I'm free of wicked Valdar, the Nords of today will sing praise to me - last of righteous rulers. I will bring back the old ways to the Nords of new. Alduin will reign supreme once more! Tell me Zahkriisos, what of your wicked Lord whom you give blasphemous praise?
I like Miraak, but I have to say Ahzidal. For helping Ysgramor put axe to elven scourge by enchanting some of their gear.
Ahziadal is so bad ass to me that I wanted to make his long lost grand kid in skyrim.
Also, the jailer, true bad ass right there.
I concur , All Praise Lord Hevnoraak!!!
Praise the dragon priest who decided to make his mask out of time-travelling wood! None can oppose him, for he does not require weak enchantments to destroy his enemies!
Miraak for he chose a different path even though there isn't a lot written about him and just showed up out of nowhere, it seeming an attempt by Bethesda a bad attempt of copying Obsidian's Ulysses who was REPEATEDLY mentioned throughout the game.
Indeed... Miraak is a completely made up guy for the purposes of making an antagonist for 'Dragonborn'. How a Dragonborn could become a Dragonpriest in the 1st place is a mystery to me... But hey, Lord Todd of Howard has approved him.
Excuse me, just to outline this, you owe allegiance to Konahrik, the most powerful of the Dragonpriests. Do not push your treachery further, Lich.
His name is just awesome too isn't it? I bet the [censored]es be like "Ahhh....zidal."
Well he was still human so its possible if unlikely.