1. Thieves Guild
2. Stormcloaks
3. Dawnguard
1. Thieves Guild
2. Stormcloaks
3. Dawnguard
Dark Brotherhood, Imperials and Dawnguard. I tend to side with the imperials based on my understanding of the story, but I think the game is more rewarding siding with the stormcloaks.
Can't vote. My characters almost always consider that both sides in the Civil War are wrong and refuse to get involved. The poll needs a "neither" option.
1. Bard's College ( with a few mods it makes a great character story
2. Neither... I seriously don't like "vanilla" CW and I haven't added any mod's that change it ...yet.
3. Dawnguard
1. College
2. Both, depending on char
3. Dawnguard
The Companions .......loves the rookie idea and every one asking this one to polish there gear, deliver swords & shields .......but its pay back time when this one becomes the Harbinger
only dose the War to unlock the slow time word wall (and hates it that you have to pick a side to do so)
Dose the Dawnguard because you can still become a Vamp Lord .........best of both worlds
Weeeeell ya know... they came up with a mod for that... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79111/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D79111%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D4906060&pUp=1 Yeah I have it tracked...but as I don't use Thu'um's much... I never downloaded it.
I don't side with factions, my characters do. The faction or factions a particular character chooses to side with is up to them. Over the years my characters have sided with just about every combination of factions imaginable. And quite a few of them have chosen to side with no faction at all.
I think the topic is more about which you enjoy the most, and maybe in the case of the civil war, which side you believe should prevail. The fact is that the civil war happened, and it will end one way or the other, most likely with the Empire winning at some cost if the Dragonborn simply does nothing, so the question may be which way would you prefer it go.
I′m not the OP though, I′m just curious.