Ian, Marcus, Harold, Set, Gizmo, Fallout 1 Overseer, Tandi, Francis, Charon, Desmond, Ashur, That Enclave soldier you contact in Gecko, Renesco, Decker, Rhombus, Frank Horrigan, Lieutenant, Master, Goris, Vic, Pariah Dog, Bess, John Sullivan, Flick, Dukov, Moira, Tulip, Elliot Tercorien, Sergeant Montgomery, Panada, Reddup.... Yeah I think that's all I can think of at the moment.
Fallout 1 and 2 had more likable characters than fallout 3 did though.
If I had to absolutely pick one then I'd have to write Ian's, Desmond's, Renesco's, Harold's and Tulip's names on pieces of paper then toss 'em in a hat and draw a winner.
Can't choose between them.