Fallout is filled with many amazing characters and minor plot lines, from Tabitha's love affair on Black Mountain to the Rube Goldberg machine of death. So...
Which one was your favorite?
Fallout is filled with many amazing characters and minor plot lines, from Tabitha's love affair on Black Mountain to the Rube Goldberg machine of death. So...
Which one was your favorite?
My favorite encounter was the vault which contained the on-going political race. It started with the suicide victims at the entrance, and went on to reveal an political campaign that no one seemed to want to win. I must admit, that I almost walked out of the vault without discovering the dark secret, then I came across the one computer that referred to the dark going-ons in the lower levels. I made my way downstairs and sat in the chair. I still get chills thinking about it. This has to be the greatest side plot (of any game) that I have played so far.
I always heard people refer to Gary and his clones. I remember seeing Gary in the Op: Anch DLC, but before that, I never really got the joke. At least, until I started a new character (there was about a 1.5 year hiatus) and stumbled upon that vault. I almost burst out laughing throughout the vault.
My all around favorite would have to be going to http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/SatCom_Array_NN-03d and opening a door to explore. I got an... interesting little message on the other side of the door.
I enjoyed bluffing Gen. Oliver, to believe the Boomers were over NCR, causing him to fall back. For Hoover Dam, I always had the Enclave and Boomers with me.