Myron: "So, you finally wise up, beautiful? Finally realized that
Myron is the one for you?"
Chonsen One: "Your hand is the only one for you, Myron."
Set: Your presence means?
Vault Dweller: Ran out of butt to kick and thought of your face.
(My favourite

Master: "Can't be... All my work, for nothing."
Vault Dweller: "Excuse me while I gloat..."
Raider: We give them the most important thing possible. We give their dreary lives excitement.
Vault Dweller: I think I will make their lives boring again. I'll start with you!
Vault Dweller: "I think I know what killed the caravans"
Butch: "Really? What is it then?"
Vault Dweller: "Rats."
Butch: "Rats?"
Vault Dweller: "Yeah, BIG rats with BIG teeth".
Sorry there is so many, but can't decide. They are all so good.