just wondering what everyones fav finisher is.
I like the sneak finisher for daggers, where you slit their throat.
just wondering what everyones fav finisher is.
I like the sneak finisher for daggers, where you slit their throat.
My top two favs. Especially when it's against bloodthirsty barbarians.
All the decapitation finishers are pretty damn cool. I also love the brutality of the one where you throw a person on the ground and stomp on their face. Another favorite is the one where you punch/shield bash the enemy, upend them with a slash to the back of their knees, then slice their throat open while their on the ground. The ranged ones where the camera follows the projectile is all Matrix-y and cool, too.
I get a lot of satisfaction out of the finisher that has you impale a crawling enemy if they're facing you. The decapitation variant is rather neat too.
any fire ball against a skeleton..... it just is soooo funny
also the whole grab and stab repetitively is great.
The axe decapitation where you knock the opponent to his knees and then behead him execution-style.
My favorite is the one where if they're kneeled, you take your sword and plunge it into their back. I've only ever gotten it twice.
I haven't got that one before! I just get the one where you bash them twice with their shield, and down they go.
Now I want to play this.
So [censored] metal.
The Claymore decapitation where the opponent watches the blade swing into thier neck.
I like the arrow killcams. Seeing the arrow flying towards your adversary's head is extremely satisfying to watch.
The Battleaxe "Neck breaker" and the Dual Sword "Scissor De-cap" are so cool!!
Wow apparently there are several finishers I haven't even seen!
This: http://imageshack.us/a/img833/295/2013040500002.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img826/4837/2013040500003.jpg
And all decapitations especially the "execution" with battle-axe.
Yeah, that's the one -- most honorable-looking death you can grant.
I really like the unarmed ones. They're really brutal,especially that one with the three punches.
I like that warhammer decap one , too. Bash the neck, make them bend over from the pain, and then knock the head away!
The mace finisher, the one where he takes a massive run up an splats the bad guy. But i think it got removed along with a few others... :/
the battleaxe finisher move on dragons, where ya jump all high and bury it in his head,
i like all of them really