» Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:39 pm
There is a ton of weapons I love using in the game. Too many to list really. Yet there is one weapon system I keep returning to even after 10 months playing the game, three major balance patches and three DLCs of uber weapons/perks.
Trail Carbine, scope mod, SWC+HP ammo and cowboy perk. Doesn't have eye-popping damage figures at a max of ~76 with SWC and 108 with HP, but it doesn't have any poison pills included like low item HP. Can use this gun to kill nearly everything that isn't a boss enemy from about level 10, to the end of every little bit of content in the game and only need to repair it 3-4 times. Yes, it will kill a deathclaw on normal difficulty setting in a single well placed shot.
My first run through OWB was saved because I brought that gun. The DLC dumped around 800 rounds of .44 ammo that got converted to SWC rounds. I made the error of packing light for that DLC the first time.
Holorifle with all mods is the only other weapon that is just as flexible, but it's also broken as it doesn't correctly lose CND with OC/MC ammo loaded if the +CND mod is installed.